Sunday, November 19, 2023

Capitalists are running the 'democracy' show

Democracy by whom?

Nate Bear, Nov 3, 2023: Climate scientists just said the failure to tackle global warming is because democracy is rigged by capitalists. You didn't hear about it. A new study by James Hansen, known as the father of global warming, and other scientists says climate change might be worse than most projections. The media, from CNN to the Guardian to the New York Times, reported this. Hansen and colleagues also said something else. They said democracy is rigged. 'One person/one vote has been replaced by one dollar/one vote. Special financial interests...are allowed to buy politicians. It is no wonder climate is running out of control.' This went unreported

Even though:

His comments about democracy were in the press release. No one used them. The mass media rarely platform those whose prescriptions for ecological disaster involve fundamentally turning away from a growth capitalist consumer economy and making something new - Nate Bear, Nov 3, 2023

Bear linked to his own article published that day:

"Climate Scientists Say Democracy is Rigged": But you didn't hear about it. Nate Bear. Do Not Panic! (Substack). November 3, 2023

And also to this CNN article: The planet is heating up faster than predicted, says scientist who sounded climate alarm in the 1980s, Laura Paddison, CNN, November 2, 2023

A commenter in the thread linked to this: "The U.S. is an oligarchy? The research, explained, published on RepresentUs, which may have been written in 2014.

Democracy for whom?

"This is the 14th annual American Values Survey, conducted by the PRRI in partnership with the Brookings Institution. Interviews with 2,525 adults, a representative sample from across the United States, were conducted in the last week of August. And the results are… not exactly encouraging."

— Thomas Zimmer, "Do Americans Value Democracy?", Substack, Democracy Americana, November 19, 2023.

Most USAmericans, Republican and Democrat alike, say that democracy is in danger. But, Zimmer says:

"The first question we need to ask whenever someone says 'democracy' is: What kind of democracy, how much, and for whom – who is included, and who is not? The people who vote for Trump clearly don’t share the vision of egalitarian multiracial pluralism. What they worry about is losing *their* democracy: A restricted version of democracy that leaves entrenched hierarchies of race, gender, and religion largely intact. They are committed to defending their white Christian patriarchal democracy – and determined to prevent multiracial pluralism. From a normative perspective, their preferred order is certainly not very democratic. But it is in line with what used to be the norm across the 'West' until very recently."

Three reforms

"When we the people regain power, three reforms are critically necessary to begin to tame the oligarchy:

1. X, Amazon, Meta, and other giant tech media platforms must either be busted up or treated as public utilities, responsible to the public.

2. Hugely wealthy individuals must not be permitted to own critical media.

3. Large accumulations of individual wealth must be taxed."

— Robert Reich, How we get rid of the American oligarchy, January 16, 2025

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