Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A bit about transphobia in the UK

In the UK, as explained by Sarah TC, "the GCs claim to be a feminist movement and claim that trans rights are in direct opposition to women’s rights and that the Equality Act and the Gender Recognition Act need to be repealed to protect women."

And yet (Sarah TC continues), in the US, despite the so-called GCs' self-proclaimed feminism, this is happening:

"They are happy to accept funding and support from the far right to achieve this. It is well known that the Christian right think tank, the Heritage Foundation, has supported the LGB Alliance. As well as supporting the anti-trans agenda, the foundation campaigns against the right to abortion — even in cases of rape. Add to this their leadership of Project 25, which threatens democracy and a possible return of Donald Trump, a known sex offender, and well, you honestly couldn’t write this stuff. When Roe v Wade was repealed, ending the constitutional right to abortion in the USA, the silence from the GCs on X was deafening. The few that did mention it either blamed trans women for 'diluting' women’s rights or described it as collateral damage in their war against trans women."

— "The language of the gender critical movement: recycled homophobia and sexism." (7 min read), Sarah TC, Medium, January 8, 2024. This is my Friend of Medium link: unpaywalled for you, earning $ for the author.

Maybe that makes it a bit clearer for a US audience.

Sam Humphreys on X, March 4, 2023: Transphobia in the UK is fascinating because for the longest time I can can remember this couple was pretty beloved. Roy and Hayley were a couple on Coronation Street, known for being meek but polite and nice. Quintessential sweethearts. Hayley was also openly trans.

Previously, an Easter 2023 initiative to make teachers out kids to their parents:

@BadWritingTakes says on X (March 30, 2023) that "the Gender Critical movement & media are demanding removal of school safeguarding for trans children and the Prime Minister seems happy to sacrifice them."

@RoseSchmits on X (March 31, 2023): "There is no 'safeguarding' argument to be made for outing queer young people to their parents/guardians that isn’t rooted in transphobia"

@natachakennedy says on X (March 31, 2023) that "establishment oppression ... in the UK" is the Tories suggesting "transphobic 'guidance' for schools during the Easter holidays".

If you're in the UK, look up your MPs' voting history. If you don't know how you feel about transphobia, see what other political positions tend to coincide with it, which will give you a bigger picture.

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