Saturday, May 20, 2023

Let people dress however they like

If you think that kids will grow out of their gender identity, then let them transition socially and see if they like it.

pair of shoes

Why enforce name, pronouns, hair, clothes, friend groups?

Meryl, Oct 21, 2022 tweet: If transphobes are so convinced that kids will just 'grow out of' gender dysphoria or whatever, then let them socially transition. Let them be a girl or a boy for a few years and then they'll grow out of it, right? Why not, that's what you think will happen, right?
Benjamin Perry, Oct 18, 2022 tweet: Not even 50 years ago, people were regularly arrested for 'wearing clothes not belonging to their sex.' We cannot go back. But make no mistake: That's where this is headed.
Ari Drennen, May 20, 2023 tweet1 of 2: A judge has ruled that a Mississippi school can require a trans girl to wear, among other things, 'men's socks' under her graduation gown, or prevent her from attending the ceremony. Government overreach at its most unhinged.
Ari Drennen, May 20, 2023 tweet 2 of 2: I’m from the party of small government, now tell me what biological sex your socks are

This was popular recently: "WDI Co-Author Doesn't Support Dressing However You Like". It's a 7-minute read on Medium.

Libertarian Party

Here's the Libertarian Party, which supposedly once believed in personal freedom, telling teachers not to teach certain ideas and calling for the repeal of "every law that protects" teachers. I dated my screenshot September 17, 2022.

Every teacher, bureaucrat, and school administrator intentionally experimenting on our country's children with queer theory or critical race theory should be fired and prosecuted immediately. Every law that protects them should be repealed immediately.

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