Friday, February 28, 2025

2025: Alabama may require parenting plans in child custody cases

Alabama House Bill 229 is promoting the Best Interest of the Child Protection Act. It's modeled after Kentucky's 2018 changes.

"Rep. Paschal says the bill revises child custody laws and give the child as much time with both parents as possible.

“Currently, when a parent divorces or separates from each other, the judges will start with 'which is the primary parent' and the other parent gets to visit with their child 2-6 days a month. So my bill starts with a premise that we want to have maximize time — the child should maximize time with both parents,” he said.

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Existing law requires parents in a child custody matter to submit a parenting plan only in cases when the parties request joint custody. This bill would require each parent (separately or together) to submit a parenting plan in all cases, with provisions covering matters relevant to the care and custody of the child."

— "New bill could revise child custody laws in Alabama," Ashlyn Mitchell, Fox 10 News, Feb. 15, 2025

Learn about Alabama parenting plans and parenting time schedules.

parent and child walking through woods hand in hand

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