Wednesday, October 9, 2024

'Climate breakdown' warning


EU Issues 'Climate Breakdown' Warning Amid Record Flooding And Deadly Wildfires, The worst flooding in years has hit a broad swath of Central Europe. At the other end of the 27-nation bloc, raging fires through Portugal have killed at least six. Raf Casert, Sept 18, 2024

How the source of your tissues and toilet paper is fueling wildfires thousands of miles away, Vasco Cotovio, CNN, October 8, 2024

Doomsday Glacier:

Scientists looked deep beneath the Doomsday Glacier. What they found spells potential disaster for the planet

"New study: Unfortunately, most of the planet's vital parameters are still heading in the wrong direction. CO2, temperature, sea level, deforestation, ocean acidification, coral bleaching, etc. It will probably stay that way until most people consistently choose climate protection."

Neue Studie: Leider gehen die meisten Vitalparameter des Planeten immer noch in die falsche Richtung. CO2, Temperatur, Meeresspiegel, Entwaldung, Meeresversauerung, Korallenbleiche, usw. Das wird wohl so bleiben, bis die meisten Menschen konsequent Klimaschutz wählen.

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— Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf ( October 9, 2024 at 5:45 AM
oil rig on fire

The Arctic's On Fire, the Amazon's Destroyed, and 1.5°C Is Out the Window - But Are We Reaching Peak Emissions? ->Green Queen | #ClimateChange #Emission #Arctic | More info from EcoSearch

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— Climate, Ecology, War and More by Dr. Glen Barry ( October 6, 2024 at 10:01 PM

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