Sunday, July 28, 2024

Literary journals: Read these journals and submit your work

In 2018, I began following thousands of small literary magazines on Twitter, and I started keeping a list of them. I no longer maintain this list because (1) other sites do this professionally and do it better, like Chill Subs, Submittable, Duotrope, and Oleada, plus Brecht de Poortere ranks journals (2) I don't have time to maintain my own list (3) I'm no longer on Twitter (now called X) so I can't keep up with people's X handles.

Holly Lyn Walrath's Weird Circular says in December 2024: "Check the Grinder's newest markets, Duotrope's calendar, Submittable’s Discover Feature, Heavy Feather Review’s Where to Submit, SFPA's Speculative Poetry Markets, Horror Tree, Moksha's Open Publications, or The International Writer’s Collective Blog."

Medium Staff have a list of Medium publications accepting submissions. Also, Chill Subs made a database of a few hundred of these Medium publications, with leadership from Benjamin Davis.

Do you use Bluesky? In 2024, Maria Haskins "made two starter packs with speculative fiction publications - magazines and podcasts - on Bluesky." pack 1 and pack 2

Below, you'll see my original list in its original format. The @ signs are their X handles. These X handles and the associated websites may no longer exist today in 2024. I'm sharing this old data just in case any of it is of interest to anyone.

vibrant art

Mental Health

Bellevue Lit Review @BLReview
The Institutionalized Review @TIReview
Awkward Mermaid Lit Mag @awkwrdmermaid
peculiars magazine @peculiarsmag
Blanket Sea Magazine @BlanketSea
Witted Roots @WittedRoots
Doll Hospital @dollhospitalmag
Uncomfortable Revolution @uncomfortablism
Mental @mental_zine
Alt-Minds Mag @AltMindsMag
Serotonin @serotoninpoetry
Safe and Sound @SafeandSoundP

Health: Other

Pain @pain_poetry_mag
Ache @ache_magazine

Special projects

C e r g a t @EmptyCobwebs
Guerrilla Concepts @GC_AnonProjects
Neutral Spaces @NeutralSpaces


Lunarian Press @LunarianPress
Speculative66 @Speculative_66
Lackington’s Magazine @Lackingtons [speculative prose]
The Future Fire @thefuturefire “social-political and progressive speculative fiction magazine and small press”
Mithila Review @MithilaReview [international SFF]
Inclusive Future Magazine @InclusiveFuture
Grimscribe Press @GrimscribePress
Carl Brandon Society @carlbrandon
SF & F Poetry Assn @sfpoetry
HEX @hexagonmagazine
DAYBREAKING ZINE @DAYBREAKINGZINE (“queer communist sci fi zine”)
Rune Bear @Runebearmag (“A Lit Mag for the Weird”)
The Wondrous Real Lit Magazine @wondrousrealmag (“bringing magical themes together with the contemporary world”)
Outlander Magazine @outlanderzine (“highlighting the awkward & eccentric”)

Gender, Race, Other Identities

Lady Science @ladyxscience
Vox Viola Literary Magazine @voxviolalitmag (“to empower the voices of all women”)
Screen Door Review @Screen_Door_R
persephonesdaughters @persephonesmag
FIYAH Literary Magazine @fiyahlitmag
Callaloo Journal @CallalooJournal
Anathema Magazine @anathemaspec
Homology Lit @HomologyLit
Spectra Journal @spectra_journal
Impossible Archetype @impossiblearch LGBTQ+ poetry
Out Magazine @outmagazine
name and none @nameandnone “an anti-capitalist platform for trans creators”
Yes Poetry @yespoetry
Cotton Xenomorph @CottonXenomorph
Crab Fat Magazine @CrabFatMagazine
The Brown Orient @thebrownorient
Reclamation Magazine @reclamationmag
Animal Heart Press @PressAnimal
Wear Your Voice Mag @WearYourVoice
Raspa Magazine @RaspaMagazine
Butter @bttrprss “centered on queer, trans, and non-binary voices”
Vagabond City Lit @VagabondCityLit
The Accomplices @the5accomplices
TRACK//FOUR @t4journal
Yemoja Parchments @waterparchments
Watermelanin Magazine @WatermelaninMag
The Shade Journal @ShadePoetry
Gay Flash Fiction @gayflashfiction
The Fruit Tree @TheFruitTreeMag
OUT/CAST @outcastlit
Foglifter @foglifterpress “LGBTQ+…powerful, intersectional writing that queers our perspectives”
The Selkie @TheSelkieUK
briars lit @briarslit
Dying Dahlia Review @DyingDahliaRev
Feminine Collective: Humanity, Raw & Unfiltered @femininecollect ‏
Hecate Magazine @hecatemag “celebrating the vision + voices of wild womxn + witches”
Millennial Pink @mpinkofficial
Aristeia Anthology @AnthoAristeia
{m}aganda magazine @magandamagazine
La Scrittrice @LaScrittrice_HQ
Minola Review @ReviewMinola
canthius @canthius
Capulet Mag @CapuletMag
Room Magazine @RoomMagazine “women (cis/trans), trans men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary”
grlsquash @grlsquash “womxn’s food, art, & culture journal”
Prismatica Magazine @prismaticamag “LGBTQ fantasy & sci-fi magazine”
TWANG @TWANGanthology “for & by #trans #nonbinary #gendernonconforming creatives of the south/midwest USA”
Dorothy @DorothyProject “feminist press dedicated to works of fiction & near fiction”
sinθ magazine @sinethetamag [“Sino diaspora” “people of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, or Macau heritage”]
Tint Journal @tintjournal ‏ [for writers with English as a second or non-native language]
The Acentos Review @acentosreview “writing, art, music and multigenre work by emerging and established Latin@s in Eng., Span., Port., and indigenous languages.
Somos en escrito Literary Magazine and Press @Somosenescrito “American writers of Chicano, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban and other Hispanic origins”
khōréō magazine @KhoreoMag “speculative fiction by immigrant and diaspora authors & artists. Subs open for fiction, non-fiction, art, voice actors, and volunteers!”
Pollux Journal @polluxjournal “a quarterly literary magazine dedicated to multilinguality!”
Constelación Magazine @constelacionmag “A bilingual speculative fiction magazine. Una revista bilingüe de ficción especulativa.”
Alebrijes Review @AlebrijesReview (“Latino/a/e/x poetry, short fiction, music, + art” “English/Español/Spanglish”)
Chronotope Magazine @chronotopemag
Bone Bouquet @Bone_Bouquet
#EnbyLife @enbylife
L I M I N A L @liminalmag
Fruit Journal @JournalFruit
Pencilled In Rainbow @pencilled_in
Djed Press @djed_press “Bla(c)k creatives & other creatives of colour”
Coalesce @coalesce_zine “(esp. LGBTQ+ and POC)”
Flamingo Literary @FlamingoLit “actuallyautistic artists” (on hiatus, last tweeted Spring 2020)
Plantin Magazine @PlantinMag “An independent illustrated Black Immigrant online platform publishing short fiction, poetry, & sweetly imagined futures”
the unplug collective @unplugcollectiv IG: @theunplugcollective “Rainbow telling our stories as a radical act | mental health + body liberation mag by Black women & gender-expansive folks”
ENBY Magazine @enbymag
THE PARALLAX @theparallaxjrnl (hasn’t tweeted since 2018)
Flash Magazine @_flashzine
Nantygreens @nantygreens [Nigerian writers]
hoochie. @hoochiefeminist
The Rational @rationalonline
QAPoetry @QaPoetry
clavmag @clavmag
Autostraddle @autostraddle [LGBTQ women]
Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism @M3RIDIANS [women of color]
Honey Literary @HoneyLiterary “BIPOC-focused literary journal built by women of color”
beestung @beestungmag [non-binary and two-spirit writers]
lemon yellow press @lemonyellowpres [lesbian] Note: last tweet was December 2019
@TheSissyFuss @thesissyfuss
Querelle Magazine @querelleAU
Stone of Madness Press @madness_press “queer, trans, and neurodiverse experiences”
AURELIA MAGAZINE @aureliamagazine “marginalized genders”
Maw: Poetry Magazine @MawPoetry “We’re a poetry magazine that exclusively publishes marginalized creators.”
opia @opialitmag “prose, poetry & visual art by marginalised and underrepresented creatives”
Queerlings @queerlings “uplifting #LGBTQIA+ voices”
MIXED MAG @MixedMag “creatives of color”
ASHAMED @ashamedmagazine “for people of colour”
Tealight Press @tealightpress (queer)
fourteenpoems @fourteenpoems (LGBT+ poetry anthology)
Floresta @florestamag
Kalonopia @kalonopia (“A literary collective to empower visually impaired writers.”)
Tipping the Scales Literary Journal @TTSLitJournal (“by lesbians/for lesbians”)
Rodwell Magazine @RodwellMagazine (queer)
Fifth Wheel Press @fifthwheelpress (queer)
Untitled Writing @WritingUntitled (“underrepresented writers”)
Unmute Magazine @UnmuteMagazine (“by and for BIPOC creators”)


EcotoneMagazine @EcotoneMagazine ‏
EcoTheo Review @ecotheo ‏
LandLocked Magazine @landlockedmag ‏
Califragile Poetry @CalifragileP ‏
Epidote Press @epidotepress ‏
The Fourth River @thefourthriver ‏‏
Flyway @Flyway_journal ‏‏‏
Brief Eulogies @briefeulogies ‏
Uproot @uprootmag ‏
Salt Water Soul @SaltWaterSoul1 ‏‏
amberflora @amberflorazine ‏
Deep Wild Journal @deepwildjournal ‏
Landscapes Reimagined @LandReimagined
HelenLitMag @HelenLitMag‏ [Southern Nevada]
Cowboy Jamboree @CowboyJamboree ‏
Slag Glass City @SlagGlassCity
Split Rock Review @SplitRockReview ‏
Sinking City @SinkingCity ‏‏
CalquePress @CalquePress ‏‏‏
Unearthed Literary Journal @UnearthedJ
Bomb Cyclone @BombCycloneZine
Finished Creatures Poetry Magazine @FinishedPoetry
Reckoning @ReckoningMag “creative writing on environmental justice”


Paintbucket @paintbucketpage
Journal of Revolution and Liberation @JREVLIB
Poets Reading the News @PoetsRTN
Headline Poetry & Press @headlinepoets
The Jupiter Review @JupiterReview “anti-fascist literary journal”
The Utopia Project @utoprozine “speaks to the political realities we face”
Violet Indigo Blue, Etc. (VIBE) @violetetc


fewerthan500 @fewerthan500
Nanoism @nanoism
250Fiction @250Fiction
Paranoid Tree @ParanoidxTree
The Centifictionist @centifictionist “international microfiction 100 words or less”


Catapult @CatapultStory
For Page And Screen @ForPage_Screen‏
Coffin Bell Journal @coffin_bell ‏
Tinderbox Poetry @TinderboxPoetry ‏
Nat. Brut Magazine @NatBrut ‏
Rhythm & Bones Press @RhythmBonesLit
Ploughshares @pshares ‏
Entropy @EntropyMag ‏
Columbia Journal @ColumbiaJournal ‏
Nautilus @NautilusMag ‏
Quanta Magazine @QuantaMagazine ‏
The Rumpus @The_Rumpus ‏
The Paris Review @parisreview ‏
The New York Review of Books @nybooks ‏
LA Review of Books @LAReviewofBooks ‏
jmww Journal @jmwwjournal ‏
Peril magazine @PerilMag ‏
Georgia Review @GeorgiaReview
The Southern Review @southern_review
Crazyhorse Journal @CrazyhorseLitJo ‏
NorthAmericanReview @NorthAmerReview
LatAmLitToday @LatAmLitToday ‏
Mascara Literary Review @mascarareview ‏
Waxwing Magazine @WaxwingMag ‏ ‏
American Literary Review @ALitReview
New England Review @NERweb ‏
New Ohio Review @NewOhioReview
The Journal @OSUtheJOURNAL ‏
The Lascaux Review @lascauxreview ‏
WordsWithoutBorders @wwborders
WorldLiteratureToday @worldlittoday
F&SF @fandsf ‏
Locus Magazine @locusmag
Boston Accent @BostonAccentLit ‏
Washington Square Review @on_squ ‏
The Elixir Magazine @MagazineElixir ‏‏
ReliefJournal @ReliefJournal ‏
Sea Post Press @SeaPostPress ‏
littledeathlit @littledeathlit ‏‏‏
ctrl + v journal @ctrlvjournal ‏
Ethos Literary Journal (ELJ) @EljEthos ‏
River Styx @RiverStyxMag ‏
Charles River Jrnl @therealCRJ ‏
GrindstoneLiterary @GrindstoneLit ‏
Qu Literary Magazine @QuLitMag ‏
The Rialto @RialtoPoetry ‏
Ruminate Magazine @RuminateMag ‏
Turnpike Magazine @turnpikezine ‏
Antiphon @AntiphonPoetry
Button Poetry @buttonpoetry ‏
Crack The Spine @CrackTheSpine ‏
Porridge @porridgemag ‏
Eye Flash Poetry @EyeFlashPoetry ‏
Darling @darlingmag ‏
Rock & Sling @rockandsling ‏
Sweet Tree Review @sweettreereview ‏
Peach Mag @peachmgzn ‏
Oddball Magazine @OddballMagazine
Lean and Loafe Journal @AndLoafe
masonjarpress @masonjarpress
hornt poet @hornypoetry
Fireside Magazine @FiresideFiction
Firewords @FirewordsMag
CLOAK @cloak_wtf “an interdisciplinary publishing project focused on visibility, concealment, and surveillance”‏
Magma Poetry @magmapoetry ‏
Terse Journal @tersejournal ‏
CherryQuill Stories @CherryQuillStry ‏
Best Small Fictions @BestSmFictions
Big Truths @BigTruths ‏
Grist Journal @GristJournal ‏
Clarion Magazine @ClarionLitMag ‏
Wide Eyes Publishing @wideeyespub ‏
Kenyon Review @kenyonreview ‏
Back Bay Review @backbayreview ‏
Wrath Bearing Tree @WrathBT ‏
Reservoir Journal @reservoirlit ‏
Bayou Magazine @BayouMag ‏
Nightingale & Sparrow @nightandsparrow ‏
Hawk and Whippoorwill @hawkandwhip ‏
Juked Magazine @JukedMagazine ‏
From Whispers to Roars @fwtr_litmag ‏
Banango Lit @BanangoLit ‏
Sweet Literary @SweetLiterary ‏
Ambit Magazine @ambitmagazine ‏
theinterpretershouse @theinterpreter6 ‏
Empty Mirror @EmptyMirror ‏
Calamus Journal @CalamusJournal ‏
Ink Sweat & Tears @InkSweatTears ‏
Sandy River Review @srreview_umf ‏
Lighthouse @LighthouseJrnl ‏
Fourth Genre @FourthGenre
Bare Fiction @BareFiction ‏
Sixth Finch @SixthFinch ‏
The Seventh Quarry @SeventhQuarry ‏
Salt Hill Journal @salthilljournal ‏
Salamander @Salamander_Mag ‏
Jet Fuel Review @JetFuelReview ‏
Soft Star Magazine @softstarmag‏
Door Is A Jar LitMag @DoorIsAJarMag ‏
Forge Litmag @forge_litmag ‏
The Tishman Review @TishmanReview ‏
Silk + Smoke @silkandsmokemag ‏
Royal Rose @royalrosemag ‏
PulpPoetsPress @PoetsPulp ‏
Sad Girl Review @sadgirlreview ‏
ELKE Journal @elke_journal ‏
Devil’s Lake Journal @dl_journal
Blood Orange Review @BloodOrangeRev ‏‏
Orange Blossom Review @OBR_LitJournal ‏
Orange Blush @orangeblushzine
Potomac Review @PotomacReview ‏
Whiskey Island @WhiskeyIsle ‏
Miracle Monocle @miracle_monocle ‏
Tahoma Literary Review @TahomaReview ‏
Cold Creek Review @coldcreekreview ‏
Ghost Parachute @GhostParachute ‏
Rogue Agent @RogueAgentJ ‏
Threadcount @threadcountmag ‏
FlashBack Fiction @FlashBackFic ‏
Profane @profanejournal ‏
Into the Void @intothevoidmag ‏
New South @NewSouthJournal ‏
ZoeticPress @ZoeticPress ‏
Milkfist @milkfist_mag ‏
McNeese Review @McNeeseReview ‏
Small Po[r]tions @smallpo_tions ‏
Sick Lit Magazine @SickLitMag ‏
Cagibi @cagibilit ‏
semicolon @semicolonlit ‏
Fog & Folly @fogandfollymag ‏
little dog poetry @poetrydog ‏
Elephants Never @AnElephantNever
Theta Wave @theta__wave ‏‏
Wyvern Lit @WyvernLit
Rabid Oak @RabidOak ‏
Foliate Oak Magazine @Foliate_Oak ‏
WillowLitMag @willowlitmag ‏
Beech St. Review @beech_street ‏
Moonchild Magazine @moonchildmag ‏
Milk Candy Review @moonrabbitcandy ‏
Squalorly Lit Mag @Squalorly ‏
Literary Orphans @LiteraryOrphans ‏
Quarterly West @QuarterlyWest ‏
Corvus Review @CorvusReview ‏
The Harpoon Review @HarpoonReview ‏
Lockjaw Magazine @lockjawmag ‏
Cartridge Lit @CartridgeLit ‏
Dirty Paws Poetry @DirtyPawsPoetry ‏
Occulum @OcculumJournal ‏
Pithead Chapel @PitheadChapel ‏
shabby doll house @shabbydollhouse ‏
Sugared Water @Sugared_Water ‏
witch craft mag @witchcraftmag ‏
Cosmonauts Avenue @CosmoAvenue ‏
Drunk Monkeys @DrunkMonkeysWeb ‏
monkeybicycle @monkeybicycle ‏
MONK art and the soul @MONKartsmag (“an Imaginarium, an exploration of spirituality, consciousness, and the arts, chasing beauty and the human spirit”)
Sundog Lit @SundogLit ‏
Southeast Review @SoutheastReview ‏
Wigleaf @Wigleaf ‏
AGNI @AGNIMagazine
Synaesthesia Mag @SynaesthesiaMag ‏
ThirdPointPress @ThirdPointPress ‏
Hypertrophic Press @HypertrophicLit ‏
Shimmer Magazine @ShimmerStories ‏
The Adroit Journal @adroitjournal ‏
Jellyfish Review @JellyfishReview ‏
Luna Luna Magazine @LunaLunaMag ‏
Half Mystic @wearehalfmystic ‏
The Shallow Ends @TheShallowEnds ‏
Foundry @FoundryJournal ‏
American Humanist @americnhumanist ‏
Frontier Poetry @FrontierPoetry ‏
Headlight Anthology @HeadlightAnt ‏
The Wire’s Dream Mag @TWDMagazine ‏
ariana cragde @cragazine ‏ [flash fiction]
figrootpress @figrootpress ‏
PANK Magazine @pankmagazine
The Bitchin’ Kitsch @TheBitchinK ‏
Memoir Mixtapes @MemoirMixtapes
The Creative Truth @tctjournal ‏
gigantic sequins @GIGANTICsequins [fiction, poetry, CNF, B&W art and comics]
Quail Bell Magazine @quailbellmag ‏
Nightmare Magazine @NightmareMag
Nightmare on Film Street @NOFSpodcast
Apex Magazine @apexmag ‏
Daily ScienceFiction @DailySF ‏
Aphotic Realm @AphoticRealm “strange & sinister fiction”
3-Lobed Burning Eye @3lobedmag “fantasy, horror, & science fiction”
Asymmetry Fiction @asymmetrytweets
Lightspeed Magazine @LightspeedMag ‏
Strange Horizons @strangehorizons
grimoire magazine @WeAreGrimoire
Unfit Magazine @unfitmagazine ‏
The Fear Merchant @TheFearMerchant ‏
Dread Central @DreadCentral ‏
Rare Horror @RareHorror ‏
Cadaverous Magazine @cadaverousmag ‏
Rue Morgue @RueMorgue ‏
Body Count Rising @BCRising
Beneath Ceaseless Skies (BCS) Online Magazine @BCSmagazine ‏
Passages North @PassagesNorth
InvertedSyntax @invertedsyntax ‏
TheGreensboroReview @greensbororevie
Sycamore Review @SycamoreReview ‏‏
SmokeLong Quarterly @SmokeLong ‏
Gulf Coast Journal @Gulf_Coast ‏
Twist in Time Literary Magazine @TwistinTimeMag
Noemi Press @Noemi_Press
Barren Magazine @BarrenMagazine
Belladonna* Series @bella_collab
Crab Creek Review @CrabCreekRev ‏
Seattle Review @TheSeattleRev
Baltimore Review @BaltimoreEditor
Blue Earth Review @BlueEarthReview ‏
Constellate Journal @ConstellateLit
Haydens Ferry Review @haydensferryrev ‏
Prairie Schooner @TheSchooner ‏
Sonora Review @sonorareview ‏
Colorado Review @Colorado_Review ‏
New Delta Review @ndrmag ‏
The Collagist @TheCollagist ‏
Neologism Poetry Journal @neologismpoetry
The Ginger Collect @gingercollect
L’Éphémère Review @EphemereReview ‏
Bombus Press @bombuspress ‏
Minute Magazine @minute_mag ‏
(b)OINK zine @boinkzine ‏
Ellipsis Zine @EllipsisZine
Parentheses Journal @ParenthesesArt ‏
Daphne Magazine @daphmag ‏
‏The Mantle @TheMantlePoetry ‏
Sooth Swarm Journal @sooth_swarm ‏
Conduit Magazine @conduitmagazine ‏
Red Savina Review Webzine @RSavinaR ‏
Red Queen Lit Mag @redqueenlitmag ‏
Three Drops from a Cauldron @threedropspoems ‏
Cauldron Anthology @cauldronanth2 ‏
Faded Out @f4dedout ‏
Smoking Mirror Press @SmokingMirrorP
Squawk Back @SquawkBack ‏http://THESQUAWKBACK.COM
Flapperhouse @FLAPPERHOUSE ‏
SallRocksPoetry @SallRocksPoetry ‏
Locust Magazine @locustmagazine ‏
The Otter @OtterMagazine ‏
Coalesce Lit. Mag @coalescelitmag ‏
CITY I AM lit mag @CITYIAMlitmag ‏
Jab Magazine @jabmag_ ‏
The Coil Magazine @CoilMag ‏
Picaroon Poetry @picaroonpoetry ‏
BeloitPoetryJournal @BPJTweets ‏
Uncanny Magazine @UncannyMagazine ‏
Black Warrior Review @BlackWarriorRev ‏
Flypaper Lit @flypaperlit [poetry, prose, reviews]
The Offing @theoffingmag ‏
Muzzle Magazine @MuzzleMagazine‏
The Normal School @thenormalschool ‏ ‏
The Pinch @pinchjournal ‏
UnbrokenJournal @UnbrokenJournal ‏
Noble / Gas Qtrly @noblegasqtrly ‏
Headway Quarterly @HeadwayLit
Mojave He[art] Review @MojaveHeart
One Story @onestorymag ‏
3:AM Magazine @3ammagazine ‏
Third Coast Magazine @thirdcoastmag
Ink In Thirds @InkInThirds ‏‏
Rule of Three Review @ruleofthreerev1
FIVE:2:ONE @five2onemag ‏
Blue Fifth Review @bluefifthreview
8 Poems Journal @8Poems ‏
Seven Corners @sevencorners
Ninth Letter @ninthletter ‏
Fourteen Hills @14Hills ‏
32poems @32poems ‏
After the Pause @afterthepause ‏
Pidgeonholes @pidgeonholes ‏
freeze frame fiction @freezeframefic ‏
MoonPark Review @MoonParkReview ‏
Cease, Cows @CeaseCowsMag ‏
Alegrarse Journal @AlegrarseLit ‏
Déraciné Magazine @deracinemag ‏
Redivider @redividermag ‏
Creative Nonfiction @cnfonline ‏
River Teeth @riverteeth ‏
Dream Pop Press @DreamPopPress ‏
Narratively @Narratively ‏
Narrative Magazine @NarrativeMag ‏
The Long Read @gdnlongread ‏
Longform @longform ‏
Vibe Magazine @VibeMagazine ‏
Longleaf Review @longleafreview ‏
Hot Metal Bridge @HMBMag ‏
Indiana Review @IndianaReview ‏
Cincinnati Review @CincinnReview
The Iowa Review @IowaReview
Platypus Press × Wildness Journal @platypuspress
Hippocampus Magazine @hippocampusmag ‏
Split Lip Magazine @splitlipthemag ‏
Lost Balloon @lostballoonmag ‏
Guesthouse @guesthouselit ‏
Fictive Dream @FictiveDream ‏
The Fiction Pool @TheFictionPool ‏
The Rose Magazine @therosemagazine ‏
Syntax & Salt @syntaxandsalt ‏
The Cabinet Of Heed @CabinetOfHeed ‏
Orson’s Review @OrsonsReview ‏
Crossways @crosswayslitmag ‏
The Bangor Literary Journal @BangorLiterary ‏
Rising Phoenix Review @thephoenixpress ‏
Anti-Heroin Chic @Heroin_Chic_Mag
Amaryllis @AmaryllisPoems ‏
Amethyst Review @AmethystReview ‏
Mystic Blue Review @review_blue ‏
Dodging The Rain @dodgingtherain ‏
indicia lit journal @IndiciaLit ‏
yemassee journal @YemasseeJournal ‏
The Ideate Review @theideatereview ‏
Paper Trains Literary Journal @TrainsPaper ‏
The Battersea Review @BatterseaReview ‏
Heavy Feather Review @HeavyFeatherRev ‏
Apocalips @onlineapocalips ‏
Pusteblume Journal @PBJournal ‏
CutBank @cutbankonline ‏
Verdancies Journal @Vrdncys ‏
Cicatrice Journal @Cicatrice_UoS ‏
formercactus @formercactus ‏
findelkind @findelkindmag ‏
The Atlas Review @theatlasreview ‏
Okay Donkey @okaydonkeymag ‏
inter|rupture @interrupture ‏
algebraofowls @algebraofowls ‏
Atrium Poetry @Atrium_Poetry ‏
LongPoemMag @LongPoemMag ‏
The Blue Pages @bluepageslit ‏
Angelical Ravings Zine @RavingsZine ‏
jubilat @jubilat_ ‏
The Nasiona Magazine @TheNasiona ‏
mookychick @mookychick ‏
Sukoon @Sukoonmag ‏
Superstition Review @SuperstitionRev ‏
Riggwelter Press @riggwelterpress
CollectiveUnrest @Unrest_mag ‏
Dwarts Magazine @DwartsMag ‏
AMRI @AMRIJournal ‏
Whale Road Review @WhaleRoadReview ‏
Burnt Pine @burntpinemag ‏
Green Light Lit @GreenLightLit ‏
TheBlackDogReview @BlackDogReview ‏
Quincy Quatrain @QuatLit ‏
Sugar House Review @SugarHouseRev ‏
Storm Cellar @stormcellar ‏
honey & lime @honeyandlimelit ‏
‏Barnstorm Journal @BStormJournal ‏
Water Stone Review @WSRLitJournal ‏
Fugue @FugueJournal ‏
gaze journal @GazeJournal ‏
Screaming Spot Post @ScreamingSPost ‏
Epigraph Magazine @EpigraphMag ‏ poetry
wohe lit @wohelit ‏
Pom Pom @pompomlit ‏
Deadeyes Lit Mag @DEADEYESLITMAG ‏
The Mad River @The_Mad_River ‏
Super Ink Arts @superinkarts ‏
Jarfly | A Poetry Magazine @JarflyMagazine ‏
Exoplanet Magazine @ExoplanetMag ‏
Unnerving Magazine @UnnervingMag ‏
n+1 @nplusonemag ‏
unstamatic @unstamaticmag ‏
The Believer @believermag ‏
Timothy McSweeney @mcsweeneys ‏
Rust + Moth @rustandmoth ‏
Moss @mosslitmag
Moss Puppy Mag @mosspuppymag “weird, muddy, & messy”‏
Vamp Cat Magazine @vampcatmag ‏
Reality Break Press @RealityBreakLit ‏ fiction & poetry
RealityBeach @RealityBeach ‏
The Missouri Review @Missouri_Review ‏
Neon Mariposa Magazine @MagazineNeon ‏
Milk and Beans @milkbeansmag ‏
Bonnie’s Crew @bonnieandcrew ‏
SLC Review @slc_review ‏‏
The Summerset Review @SummersetReview ‏
phoebe @PhoebeJournal ‏
gravel @gravelmag ‏
sea foam mag @seafoammag ‏
Hunger Mountain @HungerMtn ‏
cream city review @creamcityreview ‏
SF Review of Books @SFReviewofBooks ‏
New Eng Rev of Bks @nerobks ‏
The Mark Literary Review @LiteraryMark ‏
Acumen Poetry @AcumenPoetry ‏
Philosophical Idiot @pidiotpidiot
West Branch @WestBranchMag ‏ ‏
Chantarelle’s Ntbook @chantarellesnb ‏
Sinister Grin Press @SinisterGrinPre ‏
Brave Voices Magazine @bravevoicesmag
Goat’s Milk Magazine @goatsmilkmag ‏ ‏
A VELVET GIANT @avelvetgiant ‏
Apogee Journal @ApogeeJournal ‏
Kissing Dynamite Poetry @KissingDPoetry ‏
13 Days Fiction Publication @13_days ‏
Writivism @Writivism
Barrelhouse @barrelhouse ‏
Little Lion Literary @littlelionlit ‏
The Poetry Annals @thepoetryannals ‏
Likely Red Press @LikelyRed
Human/Kind Journal @HumanKindJrnl ‏
Gone Lawn @gonelawn ‏
Black Lawrence Press @BlackLawrence ‏
X-R-A-Y @xraylitmag
The Slag Review @TheSlagReview ‏
venus magazine @venus_mag ‏
The Teacup Trail @teacuptrail ‏
silvae magazine @silvaemag ‏
Sun Star @sunstarlit ‏
34THPARALLEL MAG @34thParallel ‏
Marias at Sampaguitas @SampaguitaMaria ‏
Kaaterskill Basin @kBlJournal ‏
effervescent mag @effervescentlit
Unlost Journal @unlostjournal ‏‏
voicemail poems @voicemailpoems ‏
Yellow Chair Review @YellowChReview ‏
No Tokens @NoTokensJournal ‏
New Mexico Review @New_Mexico_Rev ‏
Roanoke Review @RoanokeReview ‏
ostrakoi @ostrakoi ‏
The Temz Review @The_Temz_Review ‏
Necessary Fiction @NecessaryFic ‏
Word Riot @wordriot ‏
Pink Plastic House @pphatinyjournal ‏
Defuncted Journal @DefunctedJ ‏
Granby St. Lit Mag @granbylit ‏
Permafrost Magazine @PermafrostMag ‏
Trouvaille Journal @trouvaille_J ‏
The Ellis Review @TheEllisReview ‏
Horn & Ivory Zine @horn_ivoryzine ‏ [defunct URL]
Wax Seal @waxseallitmag ‏
Moledro Magazine @MoledroM ‏
ILK journal @ilkjournal ‏
The Airgonaut @TheoAirgonaut ‏
Atlas and Alice @AtlasAndAlice ‏
Bending Genres @BendingGenres ‏
Pea River Journal @peariverjournal ‏
Sidereal Magazine @SiderealMag ‏
BASHY Magazine @BASHYmagazine ‏
Anomaly :: Anomalous Press @ANMLY_LIT ‏
Prolit Magazine @ProlitMag ‏
tenderness @tenderness_lit ‏
Coldfront Magazine @ColdfrontMag ‏
Octopus Magazine @OctopusPoetry ‏
TIMBER @TimberJournal ‏
Typo Magazine @TypoMagazine
Vinyl @VinylPo ‏
Menacing Hedge @MenacingHedge ‏
Souvenir Lit Journal @SouvenirLit ‏
Sakura Review @sakurareview ‏
perverse @perversemag ‏
Phantom Books @Phantom_Books ‏
Birdfeast Magazine @birdfeast ‏
Cough Syrup Magazine @CoughSyrupMag ‏
TAYO Lit. Magazine @TAYOLiteraryMag ‏
Peeking Cat Poetry @peekingcatmag ‏
Longshot Press @longshotpress ‏
Unreal Magazine @unreal_magazine ‏
Kyanite Press @KyanitePress ‏
Burningword Literary Journal @BurningwordL ‏
Scribble @Scribblelitmag ‏
talking about strawberries all of the time @talking_time ‏
The Blue Nib @TheBlueNib ‏
Mental Papercuts @MentalPapercuts ‏
Delmarva Review @DelmarvaReview ‏
The Conclusion Magazine @ConclusionMag ‏
The Write Launch @thewritelaunch ‏
ifpthenq @ifpthenqpoetry ‏
Knives Forks Spoons @KFandS_press ‏
CUMULUS @cumulusjournal ‏
Hotel @partisanhotel ‏
As It Ought To Be @AIOTBMagazine ‏
On The Seawall @On_The_Seawall
StoryNews Magazine @StoryNewsDotNet ‏
WestTexasLitReview @WTLReview ‏
Hofstra Windmill @HofstraWindmill ‏
Mojave River Review @MojaveRiverRev ‏
Bellingham Review @thebhreview ‏
Micro Flash Fiction @MicroFlashFic ‏
the new fiction @thenewfiction ‏
Pine Hills Review @PineHillsReview ‏
ABPR/ Opo @abadpennyreview ‏
MockingHeart Review @MockHeartReview ‏
Frank Martin Review @FMartinReview ‏
The Merrimack Review @MerrimackReview ‏
Cooper Street @cooperstreetmag ‏
Gulf Stream @GulfStreamLit ‏
RHINO Poetry @rhinopoetry ‏
TheAdirondackReview @theadirondack ‏
Saranac Review @SaranacReview ‏
Blue Lyra Review @BlueLyraReview ‏
Blue Heron Review @blueheronreview ‏
Zone 3 @zone3press ‏
Dear Reader @DearReaderPoet ‏
Tilde: A Literary Journal @TildeLit ‏
Rockvale Review @RockvaleReview ‏
Mississippi Review @MissReviewMag ‏
Virginia Quarterly Review @VQR ‏
A Public Space @APublicSpace ‏
AmericanShortFiction @asfmag ‏
Paper Darts @PaperDarts ‏
Atlantis Magazine @atlantismaguncw ‏
Underblong Journal
@underblong ‏
Winter Tangerine @WTangerine ‏
Lunch Ticket @LunchTicket1 ‏
The Fictional Café @FictionalCafe ‏
Pretty Owl Poetry @PrettyOwlPoetry ‏
LitUp @LitUp_Medium ‏
NITH Writing Comp @NITHwritingcomp
Close to the Bone @ScatterOfAshes
Gingerbread House Mag @GingerbreadMag ‏ ‏
Twit Nation @nationOtwits ‏
This Story @ThisStoryNow ‏
Graviton @graviton_life ‏
Copper Nickel @coppernickel ‏
Humber Lit Review @HumberLitReview ‏
The Mville Review @MvilleReview ‏
South Broadway Ghost Society @BroadwayGhost ‏
Urban Gothic Press @GothicPress
the minnesota review @MinnesotaReview ‏‏
The Literary Review @TLR_tweets ‏
@UrbanIvyCo @urbanivyco ‏
Poetry Northwest @poetrynw ‏
Ponder Review @PonderReview ‏
Puerto del Sol @puertomag ‏
Artifice @artificemag
Keyhole @keyholemag ‏
decomP magazinE @decompmagazine ‏
Conjunctions @_conjunctions ‏
TriQuarterly @TriQuarterlyMag ‏
Blue Mesa Review @BlueMesaReview ‏
Willow Springs @WillowSprings ‏
Rattle @RattleMag ‏
Cheat River Review @CheatRiver ‏
Up the Staircase @upthestaircase ‏
Blood Lotus @BloodLotus06 ‏
Rat’s Ass Review @ratsassreview ‏
Atlantis Magazine @atlantismaguncw ‏
meowmeowpowpow @meowmeowpowpow ‏
HOOT @HOOTreview ‏
W. B. Literature Magazine @wildeboylitmag ‏
WeWereSoSmallJournal @WeWereSoSmall ‏
Juke Joint Magazine @jukejointmag ‏
Slippage Lit @SlippageLit ‏
Little Fiction | Big Truths @Little_Fiction ‏
para·text @paratextual ‏
Datableedzine @datableedzine ‏
zarf poetry @ZarfPoetry ‏
Kindle Magazine @kindlemag ‏
Spelk @SpelkFiction ‏
Volume 1 Brooklyn @vol1brooklyn
The Magnolia Review @MagnoliaReview ‏
minor literature[s] @MinorLits ‏
Bone & Ink Lit Zine @boneninklitzine ‏
The Coachella Review @coachellareview ‏
Pebble Lake Review @PebbleLakeRev ‏
Stone Highway Review @StoneHighway ‏
Oyez Review @OyezReview
The Laurel Review @TheLaurelReview ‏
Memorious @memoriousmag ‏ ‏
Palette Poetry @PalettePoetry
Sweater Collective Magazine @SweaterZine ‏
The Fine Print @fineprintmag
long long journal @longlongjournal
Channillo @_Channillo ‏
Wellington Street Review @wellingtonrevs ‏
New York Tyrant Magazine @NewYorkTyrant ‏
Banshee @bansheelit ‏
Bare Hands @BareHandsPoetry ‏
The Penny Dreadful @DreadfulP ‏
The Moth @themothmagazine ‏
The Stinging Fly @stingingfly ‏
The Runt @TheRuntZine ‏
Viewpoint Magazine @viewpointmag ‏
lettersandwhiskey @LttrsNdWhsky ‏
Build DSA @BuildDSA ‏
Protean Magazine @proteanmag ‏
The Broken Plate @The_BrokenPlate ‏
Paragraph Planet @paragraphplanet
unFold @unFold_mag ‏
Review 31 @Review31 ‏
MOLD @thisismold ‏
HUCK @HUCKmagazine ‏
Really System @ReallySystem ‏
Mud Season Review @MudSeasonReview ‏
Indianapolis Review @IndianapolisRev ‏
CrannogMag @CrannogMag ‏
404 Ink @404Ink ‏
Kae Sable @DimeShowReview ‏
matchbook @matchbooklitmag ‏
Santa Ana River Rev. @SARR_UCR ‏
New Humanist @NewHumanist ‏
Pigeon Pages @PigeonPagesNYC ‏
NDQ @ND_Quarterly ‏
Ellipsis Literature and Art @ellipsiswc ‏
Empty House Press @EmptyHousePress ‏
3Elements Review @3ElementsReview ‏
Booth @BoothAJournal ‏
Spry Lit @sprylit ‏
Bird’s Thumb @birdsthumb ‏
Carolina Quarterly @NC_Quarterly ‏
Cleaver Magazine @CleaverMagazine ‏ @SURFACEScx ‏
Oversound @OversoundPoetry ‏
Ink&Nebula @Ink_Nebula ‏
The Mighty Line Magazine @theMightyLine ‏
The White Review @TheWhiteReview ‏
Moria @MoriaOnline ‏
Marble Poetry @MarblePoetryMag ‏
RIC Journal @ricjournal ‏
SUBTR°PICS @subtropicsmag ‏
Sanitarium @SanitariumLit ‏
Funicular Magazine @FunFunFunicular ‏
Glass Buffalo @GlassBuffalo ‏
Eyas Augury @EyasAugury ‏
isacoustic @isacousticVOL ‏
Danse Macabre ~ An Online Literary Magazine @ledansemacabre ‏
Increment @IncrementMag ‏
Clamor Journal @ClamorJournal ‏
psw @pswgallery ‏
Sci-Fi & Scary @ScifiandScary
Compass Magazine @CompassPoetry
The Hunger @HungerJournal ‏
Hunger Magazine @HungerMagazine ‏
Cake Magazine @CakePoetry
Rack Press Poetry @RackPressPoetry ‏
Oxford Poetry @oxfordpoetry ‏
Tears In The Fence @TearsInTheFence ‏
Arc Publications @Arc_Poetry ‏
Arc Poetry Magazine @arcpoetry ‏
Longform Fiction @LongformFiction ‏
Another Gaze: A Feminist Film Journal @anothergaze ‏
SCAB @SCAB_Magazine ‏
Miniature Myths @miniaturemyths ‏
Seshat Magazine @seshatlitmag ‏
Reality Hands @RealityHands ‏
Laurel Magazine @mag_laurel ‏
Literary Whip @theliterarywhip ‏
Driving Range Review @WordGolf ‏
100 Word Story @100word_story ‏
harana poetry @haranapoetry ‏
Sidequest @SidequestZone ‏
WWAC @wwacomics ‏
cléo journal @cleojournal
Instant, A Literary Magazine @instantlitmag ‏
Cherry Tree @WCcherrytree ‏
Dusk & Shiver @DuskAndShiver ‏
Recenter Press @recenterpress ‏
Nottingham Review @TheNottReview ‏
tele- @teleartmag ‏
OfrendasPress @OfrendasP ‏
SanguineMagazine @SanguineM ‏
Nitrogen House @nitrogenhouse ‏
The Fiddlehead @TheFiddlehd ‏
CWILA @CanWomenInLit ‏
PRISM international @PrismLitMag ‏
The Malahat Review @malahatreview ‏
subTerrain magazine @subTerrain ‏
The New Quarterly @thenewquarterly ‏
Grain Magazine @GrainLitMag ‏
Contemporary Verse 2 @CV2magazine ‏
BrickLiteraryJournal @BrickMAG ‏
Geist @geistmagazine ‏
The Capilano Review @TheCapReview ‏
The Puritan @thepuritan ‏
Descant Magazine @DescantMagazine ‏
Broken Pencil @brokenpencilmag ‏
The Rusty Toque @TheRustyToque ‏
The Collapsar @TheCollapsar
Augur Magazine @augurmag ‏‏
Popshot Magazine @popshotmag ‏
Mid-American Review @MidAm_Review ‏
Product Magazine @USM_Product ‏
Reed Maga‏zine @reedmagazine ‏
The A3 Review & Press @TheA3Review
Shahadat @amiektashahadat ‏[founder of The Local Train Magazine]
Misery Tourism @miserytourism ‏
Savant-Garde Literary Magazine @SGpublication
Midwestern Gothic @MWGothic ‏
SouthrnHumanitiesRev @SouthernHReview ‏
Portland Review @pdxreview ‏
Barely South Review @BarelySouthR ‏
Bath Flash Fiction @BathFlashAward
Flash Frog @flashfroglitmag “small, brightly colored, and deadly to the touch”
Ad Hoc Fiction @AdHocFiction ‏
Remington Review @Remingtonlitmag ‏
GingerNuts of Horror @GNHorror
Times of Terror @timesofterror ‏
Kendall Reviews @gjkendall ‏
Sabotage Reviews @SabotageReviews ‏
whatever keeps the lights on @KeepsLights ‏
ObsidianLit @ObsidianLit ‏
FLAUNT @FlauntMagazine ‏
Wonderland Magazine @wonderlandmag ‏
Philosophical Comyx @philosophicomyx ‏
Nightjar @nightjarreview ‏
Oxidant | Engine @OxidantEngine ‏
Posit Journal @PositJournal ‏
The American Poetry Journal (APJ) @apjpoetry ‏
Dazed @Dazed ‏
AnOtherMagazine @AnOtherMagazine ‏
Always Crashing @ACrashing ‏
32poems @32_Poems ‏
streetcake magazine @streetcakemag ‏
Hi Vis Press @Hi_VisPress ‏
Weatherbeaten Lit @WxBTN ‏
Obra / Artifact @ObraArtifact ‏
Rise Up Review @riseupreview ‏
The Kudzu Review @TheKudzuReview ‏
Ink Heist @InkHeist
The Molotov Cocktail @MolotovLitZine ‏
Gay Death Trance @gaydeathtrance ‏
Flash 500 Writing Competitions @500_flash ‏
UCity Review Editors @UCityReview ‏
Poet Lore @PoetLoreMag ‏
We call it: Fri-YAY (like, ‘yay’) @QueenMobs ‏
Plume Poetry @PlumePoetry ‏
Appalachian Heritage @AppHeritage ‏
Atticus Review @AtticusReview ‏
Psaltery & Lyre @PsalteryLyre ‏
Five Quarterly @FiveQuarterly ‏
Virga Magazine @Virgamag ‏
Notre Dame Review @NotreDameReview ‏
Middle House Review @MiddleH_Review
Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review @HSPoetryReview ‏
JYKUUU – The New Literary Magazine @jykuuu ‏
Tough @Tough_Crime ‏
Switchblade @SwitchbladeMag ‏
Broadswords and Blasters @swordsandblast ‏
Pulp Modern @PulpModern ‏
StoryHack Action & Adventure @StoryHackMag ‏
SPINE @Spine_Magazine ‏
trampset @trampset ‏
Fantasy Book Critic @FantasyBookCrit ‏
Fantasy Literature @FanLit ‏
Breakwater Review @BreakwaterRev ‏
Knights Library Magazine @MMPR_KLM ‏
Sci-Fi + Fantasy at PRH @PRHSciFiFantasy ‏
Pixel Heart Literary Magazine @PixelHeartMag ‏
Vestal Review @VestalReview ‏
Planet Scumm @planetscumm ‏
SplonkFlash @Splonk1 ‏
ConstructionMagazine @ConstructionLit ‏
hermanx resist press @HResistPress ‏
Writers Resist @WritersResist ‏
Gentle/Radical @gentle_hq ‏
Poetry International @PoetryIntl ‏
ColumbiaPoetryReview @columpoetry ‏
The Yale Review @YaleReview ‏
New Letters @new_letters ‏
The Sewanee Review @sewaneereview ‏
Antioch Review @AntiochReview ‏
Michigan Quarterly Review @mqr_tweets ‏
Harvard Review @Harvard_Review ‏
Massachusetts Review @MassReview ‏
Pleiades @pleiadesmag ‏
The Hudson Review @TheHudsonReview ‏
Zoetrope: All-Story @Zoetrope_Mag ‏
Boulevard 🔥 mag @BoulevardLitMag ‏
Chicago Review @chireview ‏
Denver Quarterly @DenverQuarterly ‏
The Florida Review @TheFLReview ‏
Los Angeles Review @LAReview ‏
ZYZZYVA Magazine @zyzzyvamag ‏
Void Front @VoidFrontZero ‏
Tongue @TongueJournal ‏
Versal @versaljournal ‏
Muumuu House @muumuuhouse ‏
Lucent Dreaming @LucentDreaming ‏
ravensintheatticmag @ravensinattic ‏
Claw & Blossom @ClawAndBlossom ‏
Clover & White Zine @cloverandwhite ‏
Lumin @luminjournal ‏
BULL @BULL_magazine_ ‏
THE SHORE @PoetryShore ‏
Contrary Magazine @Contrary ‏
PBQ: Lit magazine @PaintedBrideQ ‏
LIT Magazine @litmagazine ‏
Nashville Review @nashvillereview ‏
Weave Magazine @WeaveMagazine ‏
Clementine Magazine @ClementineMag ‏
Post Road @Post_Road ‏
Bartleby Snopes @BartlebySnopes ‏
FRiGG @FRiGGmagazine
Fire Poetry Journal @FirePoetryJnl ‏
Trouble Child @troublechildmag ‏
Train : a poetry journal @TrainJournal ‏
24UnreadMessagesZine @24unreadmessage ‏
EPIZOOTICS! Zine @EpizooticsEzine ‏
Tentacular @TentacularMag ‏
The Wanderer @wandererpoetry ‏
tinyspoonlitmag @tinyspoonlitmag ‏
SignalMountainReview @SignalMtnReview ‏
flash & cinder @flashandcinder ‏
Small Orange Poetry Journal @SmallOrangePoem ‏
Uppagus theMagazine @uppagus ‏
Juniper @Juniperpoetry ‏
AgainstTheGrainPress @GrainPress ‏
Shirley Magazine @ShirleyLitMag ‏
V. Press @vpresspoetry ‏
BAD DOG @bad_dog_review ‏
Synaeresis : arts + poetry @SynaeresisP ‏
Muse/A Journal @MuseAJournal ‏
Rabble Lit @rabble_lit ‏
Nimrod Journal @NimrodJournal ‏
Foxglove Journal @journalfoxglove ‏
Sink Hollow LitMag @sinkhollow ‏
SHo͝ok @ShookLitMag ‏
SHANTIHJournal @SHANTIHjournal ‏
Chattahoochee Review @ChattahoocheeRv ‏
Tampa Review @TampaReview ‏
genre2mag @genre2mag ‏
Reviews & Robots @reviewsandrobos ‏
Nailed Magazine @NailedMagazine ‏
Dark Marrow @dark_marrow
Marrow Magazine @MarrowMagazine “all things dark, speculative, feminist”
the DARKLy mag @TheDarklyMag “dark” literature artwork and photography”‏
Avidly @veryeager ‏
Witness Magazine @witnessmag ‏
Eunoia Review @EunoiaReview ‏
riprap literary journal @riprapjournal ‏‏
Red Sun @redsunmagazine ‏
EconoClash Review @EconoclashRevue ‏
V.A. Press @VegAlPress ‏
Before I Leave Zine @_beforeileave ‏
FictionInternational @FictIntl ‏
TINGE Magazine @TINGEMagazine ‏
Rosebud Magazine @RosebudMag ‏
Stymie Magazine @stymiemag ‏
Switchback Journal @Switchback_usf ‏
Evergreen Review @EvergreenReview ‏
Dogwood Journal @Dogwoodli ‏
Prime Number @PrimeNumberMag‏
draft journal @draftjournal ‏
Fjords Review @FjordsReview ‏
NU LIT @nulithouse ‏
Joyland Magazine @joylandfiction ‏
Sage Hill @SageHillWriting ‏
Apricity Press @ApricityPress ‏
Mythic Picnic @MythicPicnic ‏
manqué magazine @manquemagazine ‏
Essay Daily @EssayingDaily ‏
O:JA&L / aRt journal @ojalart ‏
Figure 1 @thefigureone ‏
SWWIMmiami @SWWIMmiami ‏
Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies @AssayJournal ‏
Homer @thisishomer ‏
The Humble Essayist @THEsharvey ‏
The Cafe Irreal @TheCafeIrreal ‏
Borderlands Texas Poetry Review @BorderlandsTPR ‏ ‏‏
Pastel Zine @PastelZine ‏
Identity Theory @IdentityTheory ‏
failbettercom @failbettercom ‏
AJ+ @ajplus ‏
The Lovecraftian @TheLovecraftian ‏
The Ripperologist @Ripperology101 ‏
Arion @arionjournal ‏
Able Muse / Erato @ablemuse ‏
LightPoetryMagazine @LightPoetryMag ‏
Asses of Parnassus @ParnassusAsses‏
acrossthemargin @acrossthemargin ‏
Palaver Journal @Palaver_Journal ‏
Revise & Resub @ReviseResub
Stranger’s Guide @StrangersGuide ‏
The Surfing Pizza @thesurfingpizza ‏
Edify Fiction @EdifyFiction ‏
Lamplit Underground @LamplitUG ‏
Fish Publishing @fishpublishing ‏
BARNHOUSE @brnhsjournal
Spot Lit @SpotLit2020 ‏ ‏
WantonFuckeryPoetry @WantonFuckery ‏
COUNTERCLOCK @counterclockart ‏
Crooked Arrow Press @crookedarrowp ‏
Iceberg_Tales @IcebergTales ‏
–++*s L u D g E*++– @sludgelit ‏
Headcanon Magazine @headcanonmag ‏
Eclectica Magazine @EclecticaMag ‏
Word of Mouth @womomag ‏
Sustainable Play @sustainableplay ‏
Horla – The Home of Intelligent Horror @HorlaHorror ‏
Scoundrel Time @ScoundrelTime ‏
Hypertext Magazine @HypertextMag ‏
TheNervousBreakdown @TNBtweets ‏
Back Patio Press @PatioBack ‏
The Crunch @CrunchPoetry ‏
Euphony Journal @EuphonyJournal ‏
Brixton Review of Books @BrixtonBooks ‏
Affaire de Coeur @affairedecoeurc ‏
Boiler House Press @bhousepress ‏
Typehouse Magazine @TypehouseLitMag ‏
TheLouisvilleReview @TheLouRev ‏
Contingent Magazine @contingent_mag ‏
mythaxis @mythaxis ‏
Paper Nautilus @APaperNautilus ‏
Ayaskala @ayaskala ‏‏
Snarl Journal @JournalSnarl ‏
HOAX @hoaxpublication ‏
borrowed solace @borrowedsolace ‏‏
Shotgun Honey @ShotgunHoney ‏
BEAT to a PULP @BEAT_to_a_PULP ‏
Noir Nation @NoirNation ‏
Lammergeier @LammergeierMag ‏
Leaping Clear @LeapingClear ‏
Nowhere Magazine @NowhereMag ‏
Sidetracked Magazine @SidetrackedMag
Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest @FeversOf
Heart of Flesh Literary Journal @flesh_heart
Timeworn Lit Journal @timewornlit
Stinkwaves Magazine @Stinkwaves
Welter @WelterJournal
Broad River Review @broad_river_rev
Apparition Lit @ApparitionLit
Dream Noir Literary Magazine @dreamnoirart
armarolla @armarolla
Gigantic magazine @Giganticmag
Merak Magazine @merakmag
VirtualZine Mag @VirtualZine
random sample review @Random__Sample
Still The Journal @still_journal
quip @quiplitreview
Muskeg @MuskegMagazine
The Conium Review @ConiumReview
Four Way Review @FourWayReview
the tiny @thetinymagazine
Black Bough Poetry @blackboughpoems
Prac Crit @praccrit
Wild Court @wildcourtpoetry
Granta @GrantaMag
Allegro Poetry @allegropoetry
Guernica Magazine @GuernicaMag
Detritus Online @DetritusOnline
Et Cetera Magazine @litmag_etcetera
BOMB Magazine @BOMBmagazine
ArtReview @ArtReview_
frieze @frieze_magazine
Boston Review @BostonReview
Places of Poetry @placesofpoetry
Three Crows Magazine @MagazineCrows
Culture Type @CultureType
Antipode @antipodeonline
The Ogham Stone @TheOghamStone
Mumber Mag @mumbermag
The Blake-Jones Review @BlakeJonesRev
CoffeeTable Coven @CTCoven
Baby Teeth Journal @BabyTeethArts
Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal @PoetryBrum
Tiny Molecules @TinyMolecules
Meanjin Quarterly @Meanjin
Griffith Review @GriffithReview
mutiny! @mutinylitmag
VaughanStreetDoubles @DoublesStreet
About Place Journal @aboutplacejourn
Performance Anxiety @PerformanceAnxt
the museum of americana @museumofamerica
the winnow magazine @thewinnowmag
Alien Magazine @alienlitmag
Another New Calligraphy @ANCalligraphy
Vallum Magazine @vallummag
Poetry Is Dead @poetryisdead
The Poetry Project @poetry__project
Gyroscope Review @gyroscopereview
Work to a calm @worktoacalmzine
Library Journal @LibraryJournal
The New Southern Fugitives @TNSFzine
ang(st) zine @angstfzine
Crêpe & Penn @crepeandpenn
Capsule Stories @CapsuleStories
Lackadaisy Literary Magazine @lackadaisymag
cordella magazine @cordellamag
The Nonconformist | Literary Magazine @_noncomformist
Oscen Magazine @OscenMagazine
Pacific Review CSUSB @PacReviewCSUSB
Northern New England Review @NNEReview
October Hill @OctoberHillMag
Dark Wood @DarkWoodMag
Cardinal Sins SVSU @SinsJournal
Yalobusha Review @YalobushaReview
Bluestem @bluestemmag
Variant Literature @VariantLit
Electric Moon Magazine @electricmoonmag
Re-side @_Re_side_
Raintown Review @RaintownReview
Measure Review @MeasureReview
SPAM zine @spamzine
Crook & Folly @crookandfolly
Barzakh @barzakhmag
Lazuli Literary @Lazuli_Literary
Off the Coast @OfftheCoastMag
Thimble @thimblelitmag
Foxtrot Uniform @_FoxtrotUniform
The Maynard @MaynardPoetry
The Vitni Review @VitniReview
ALL DAY LUX @ll_lux
MontanaMouthful @MontanaMouthful
Silent Auctions @SilentAuctions_
Odd Magazine @OddMagCo
CosmicCondor @cosmiccondormag
Ofi Press Mexico @theofipress
Bold + Italic @boldplusitalic
The Poetry Question @poetryquestion
Rocky Street Press @RockyStPress
The Spectatorial @TheSpectatorial
Exposition Review @ExpoReviewLit
3 Moon Magazine @3moonpublishing
Flypaper Lit @FlypaperLit
Lunate @lunatefiction
The Broken Spine @BrokenSpineArts
Literal Magazine @literalmagazine
Taco Bell Quarterly @TBQuarterly
radical paper press @stolenpaper
Glassworks Magazine @rowanglassworks
Thin Air Magazine @ThinAirMagazine
Dialogist @DIALOGIST
The Confessionalist @ConfessionZine
Little Stone Journal @journal_stone
Rock and a Hard Place Magazine @RHPMag
Anthropocene @anthro_poetry
Laurels & Bells @laurelsandbells
BlueHouse Journal @bluehouselit
Cogito @Cogitolitonline
The Learned Pig @The_Learned_Pig
Outlook Springs @outlooksprings
goodbaad poetry journal @goodbaadpoetry
Nymphs @nymphswriting
At Length @atlengthmag longer-form “poetry, prose, music, art, & photography”
Hello America Stereo Cassette @thehelloamerica
Collective Realms Magazine @CollectiveRealm
fat cat magazine @fatcatmagazine
Weird Pond @PondWeird
The Rush Magazine @TheRushMag
Sage Cigarettes @sageciggs
Slice Magazine @SliceMagazine
Fairy Tale Review @fairytalereview
Fudoki Magazine @FudokiMagazine
Dark Moon Digest @DarkMoonDigest
Kaleidotrope @kaleidotrope
Black Telephone Magazine @BlackTelephoneM [dark literary communications]
Ligeia Magazine @LigeiaMag [strangeness and obsessions]
Necro Magazine @MagazineNecro
The Dark @thedarkmagazine
Dark Arts Journal @DarkArtsJournal
Write Ahead / The Future Looms Magazine @AheadLooms
Cuento Magazine @CuentoMag
Contra Viento @Contra__Viento
DreamForgeMagazine @DreamForgeMag
Kanstellation @kanstellation
PØST- @revuepost
Jam & Sand Journal @jamandsand
TheFailureBaler @TheFailureBaler
The Wild Word @thewildwordmag
Foothill Poetry @Foothilljournal
South 85 Journal @South85Journal
Melted Butter Magazine @MagazineButter
Swamp Ape Review @SwampApeReview
Blue Animal Literature @BlueLiterature
JuxtaProse @juxtaprosemag
Riddled with Arrows @RiddledwArrows
Defunkt Magazine @DefunktMag
Leapfrog Press @LeapfrogPress1
ROPES Literary Journal @ropeslitjournal
VarietyPack @VarietyPack2
Winamop @Winamop
Silver Pinion @Silver_Pinion
Periwinkle Literary Magazine @periwinklezine
Tiny Seed Literary Journal @tinyseedjournal
Hamoyo Press @HamoyoPress
thelittlejournal @TNeindia
theletterreview @theletterreview
Also Cool Mag @alsocoolmag
Dink Press x Problématique @dinkpress
Linden Avenue @LindenAveLit
Insanity’s Horse @insanitysmag
Iron Horse @IHLR
fsfasfawefwef Breadcrumbs @Breadcrumbs_Mag
Nunum @Nunum_Culture
The Common @commonmag
HAL Magazine @HALmagazine
Shenandoah @ShenandoahWLU
Big Issue North @bigissuenorth
The LaHave Review @lahavereview
FreezeRay Poetry @FreezeRayPoetry
Red Weather @RedWeatherMN
Poem Atlas @PoemAtlas
Alchemist Review @AlchemistReview
Banter Magazine @banterzine
The Black Fork Review @BlackForkReview
Peauxdunque Review @PeauxReview
Celestal Review @CelestalReview
Razur Cuts @razurcutsmag
Fond @readfond
COLUMBA poetry @columba_poetry
Deaf Poets Society @thedeafpoets
iamb ~ poetry seen and heard @iambapoet
The Southampton Review @TSRLitMag
Literati Magazine @LiteratiMagzine
The Citron Review @thecitronreview
GHOST BIBLE @ghost_bible
Ghost Heart Literary Journal @GhostHeartLit
The Honey Mag @thehoneymag
Irisi @Irisimagazine
DOGHOUSE @DoghousePress
-algia is open for submissions ~ @algiapress
Raconteur Literary Magazine @RaconteurLitMag
Sisyphus Magazine @sisyphusmag
Savoy Operetta @SavoyOperetta (hasn’t tweeted since 2019) “Diverse, inclusive, progressive satirical literary and arts magazine. We bite and illuminate.” The Crossing Lit Mag @CrossingLit
b l u s h @blush_lit
smokeandmold @smokeandmold
Subway Book Review @SbwyBookreview
periodicities : a journal of poetry and poetics @PeriodicityJ
Litro Magazine @LitroMagazine
SaccharinePoetry @SaccharinePoet
Jacket2 Magazine @jacket2mag
Rejection Letters @rejectionlit
Cypress: Poetry Journal @PressCypress
So to Speak Journal @SoToSpeakJrnl
carte blanche @alacarteblanche
HitchLit Review @HitchLitReview
the operating system @the_OS_
mineral lit mag @minerallitmag
The Quarantine Chronicles @thequarnicles
NoctuaReview @NoctuaReview
EmergeLiteraryJournal @EmergeJournal
Certain Circuits @CertainCircuits
Diabolical Plots @diabolicalplots [SF/F/H zine]
Non.Plus Lit @NonPlusLit
All Guts No Glory @agngmag
Satie @satiepoetry [poetry]
HoleInTheHeadReview @HoleReview
orangeapplepress @0rangeappl3
Serial Box @serialboxpub
perhappened mag @perhappened
Twist & Twain @Rajibghc
Forever Endeavour @ForeverEndMag
Sensitive Skin Mag @sensitivemag
BlindFieldCollective @blindfieldjourn
The Lumiere Review @lumierereview
Moxy Magazine @moxy_mag
Ethel Zine and Press @the_ethelzine
Acta Victoriana @actavictoriana
FeralPoetry @feral_of
Fractured Lit @FracturedLit
nawr @nawrmag
C L R @clackamaslitrev
Main Street Rag @MainStreetRag
omelette mag @omelettemag
giallo @giallolit
Thorn Literary Magazine @ThornLitMag
dreams walking @dreams_walking
Truffle Magazine @TruffleLitMag
FEED @feedlitmag
Emerald City Lit Mag @EmeraldCityMag
Casino Literary Magazine @CasinoLiterary
Club Plum Literary Journal @ClubPlumLit
The Shoutflower @TheShoutflower
Schlag Magazine @MagazineSchlag
ONE ART @OneArtPoetry1
Malasaña @MalasanaMag
TART Flamingo @tartmgzn
Dust Poetry Magazine @DustmagPoetry
SMOKE Poetry magazine @poetry_smoke
Stand Magazine @Stand_poetry
Red Alder Review @AlderReview
Elevator Stories @elevstories
GnashingTeethPub @GnashingTeethPu
HARSH @HARSHLITMAG Dedicated to upsetting, confrontational and aggressive literature.
BRAG Writers @BragWriters
The Remnant Archive|@tralitmag
Siyaah Qalam Akhbar (Literary & Art Mag/Newspaper) @siyaahqalam
Wine Cellar Press @winecellarpress
Small Beer Press . . . Book Moon @smallbeerpress
No Contact @nocontactmag
Chestnut Review @ChestnutReview
Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine @AnologiesLitMag
Fourth & Sycamore @FourthSycamore
Indigena Collective @IndigenaSeries (reading series)
Nixes Mate Review @NixesMate
Skin Magazine @skinthemag
Transgressive Fiction @TransgressiveF
The Daily Drunk Mag @dailydrunkmag
Lolwe @Lolwe_
Dishsoap Quarterly @dishsoapquart
Neuro Logical Magazine @LogicNeuro
Near Window @WindowNear
Clay Literary @ClayLiterary
Canned @CannedMag
Cobra Milk @CobraMag
Second Revolution Literary Magazine @2ndrevlit
The International Zine Project @intlzineproject
Fahmidanjournal @fahmidanjournal
CRAFT @CraftLiterary
Debut Revue @DebutRevue (reading series)
The Atavist Magazine @atavist
The Beach Hut @TheBeachHut7
where is the river :: a poetry experiment @WhereRiver
Porcupine Literary @PorcupineLit “through the spiky lens of teachers and teaching”
Isele Magazine @IseleMagazine
trashworld @trashworldreal (“experimental and absurd” flash fiction & poetry)
Scriblerus Journal @ScribJournal
Bandit Fiction @BanditFiction
La Piccioletta Barca @LPBMagazine
Hypocrite Reader @HypocriteRdr “leftist magazine of useful, unexpected writing”
SVJ @svjlit
The Walled City Journal @twcityjournal
Fragmented Voices @FragmentedVoic1
Baby Zine @thebabyzine
all my friends zineLove letter @amfzine
Cerasus Poetry @CerasusPoetry
Kalopsia Literary Journal @KalopsiaLit
The Menteur @TheMenteur
Acid Bath Publishing @AcidBathPub (“clear, candid, and corrosive”)
Crab Orchard Review @CrbOrchdReview
The Junebug Journal @junebugjournal
The Open Culture Collective @tocc_
subliminal magazine @readsubliminal (“exploring the mundane, surreal, & the liminal space in between”)
Booklytical @booklytical (“Book reviews, news and recommendations.”)
Bibliotropic @bibliotropic (“Bibliotropic Book Reviews.“)
Full House Literary Magazine @fullhouselitmag
Crow & Cross Keys @CrowKeys
The West Review @The_West_Review
TunaFish Journal @TunaFishJournal
Dynamis Journal @DynamisJournal
HAD @havehadhavehad
stymie: a journal of sport, games & literature @stymiemag
Overheard @overheardlit
QUINCE magazine @quince_magazine
the skeletide rises @TFalls (“based off of, inspired by, and mimicking henry wadsworth longfellow’s 'the tide rises, the tide falls'”)
trash mag @trashthemag
SCARY PIECE MAG @fairypiecemag
Zenith @zenith_uiowa
Burnt Breakfast Magazine @burntbreakfast_
Your Dream Journal @dreamjournal__
dwelling literary @dwellinglit
Miniskirt Mag @miniskirtmag “lit mag all about love & romance”
Hencroft Hub @HencroftHub “New online magazine exploring contemporary ideas.Short Fiction, Flash Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Non Fiction”
The Comments Section @TheCommentsSec4 “A lit mag excavating the digital depths”
Analog Forever Zine @analog4everzine “Analog is Forever!”
The Mesozoic Reader @MesozoicReader “Magazine of prehistoric poetry and Deep Time fiction. Any genre—just involve dinosaurs or other prehistoric life.”
Peatsmoke Journal @PsmokeJournal “committed to diverse voices, accessibility, and to writers. Fiction, nonfiction, poems, flash, hybrid.”
Apofenie Magazine @apofenie
Farside Review @farsidereview “a literary magazine for emerging voices and rediscoveries of the familiar”
Pareidolia Literary @pareidolialit “New literary journal for pattern-finders”
eclipselit @eclipse_lit “A #nonprofit lit mag dedicated to giving artists a medium to heal while benefiting orgs who heal others”
RASA LITERARY REVIEW @ReviewRasa “Unfurling the navarasas through the hues of expressions and emotions”
Mycelium @MyceliumLit
Little Engines @Little__Engines
Violet & the Bird @ViolettheBird1
AVERSE @aversemagazine “in love with the tender & raw”
Couplet Poetry @CoupletPoetry “Poetry journal publishing 2 poems (a couplet) per author. Premiere issue forthcoming in 2021.”
Mandrake @MandrakeJournal “Gothic, supernatural, weird and horror writing based out of Dublin, Ireland”
Strukturriss @strukturriss “Ireland-based quarterly with an anarchic, communal, feral agenda”
Agapanthus Collective @AgapanthusCOLL “the unheard, the weird, the comforting, the loved, and the disquiet”
Second Chance Lit @SecondChanceLit “A litmag solely for rejected poetry & short prose. Your work just hasn’t found the right home yet!”
I Am Not A Lit Mag @NotALitMag
The Arachne Review @arachnereview “poetry, creative nonfiction, and essays on craft. Feedback w/ rejections.”
Shambles Hedgehog @readshambles “punchy poetry and pocket-sized prose”
Beir Bua Journal @beirbuajournal “An Irish, inclusive, journal for the avant-garde; postmodern, asemic, experimental, surrealist, visual poetry, poetry object, & art”
ogma magazine @ogmamagazine “a creative collective all about the new, the risky, & the eyes-wide-open”
The Elliptic Collective @ellipticurves “Literary magazine + collective dedicated to dissolving the boundaries between STEM and the arts”
Delicate Friend @delicatelit “a new erotic lit and art mag by lovers, for lovers”
Anamorphoseis @anamorphoseis “We seek the spattered nonsense and the dispersed experiments.”
Metaphorosis Magazine @MetaphorosisMag “Beautifully written science fiction and fantasy”
From the Farther Trees @FartherFrom “Progressive, inclusive fantasy illustrated and printed with an old-school DIY ethos”
Abyss & Apex Magazine @Abyss_Apex “Hugo-Nominated SF & F Zine”
Translunar Travelers Lounge @TranslunarTL
Twin Pies Literary @twinpieslit “I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.”
sturgeon review @SturgeonReview
lanke review @LankeReview “literary and art mag. lanke (烂柯) is a phrase describing the passing of years. we want words that take us through time, art that sweeps us away”
The ORB @ORBzine Writer/editor of NI’s longest-running #SciFi, #Fantasy + #Horror webzine. Keeping you up to date on #SpeculativeFiction in N.I. since 1999.
Ink Drinkers Magazine @InkDrinkers “publishing on solstice/equinox dates”
yours, poetically @poeticallymag “for wordsmiths, storytellers and the poetically inclined!”
Riverbed Review @RiverbedReview “stories and stanzas”
horse egg literary SUBMISSIONS OPEN @horseegglitmag “a poetry mag looking for playful, imaginative, whimsical voices!”
Social Distanziner @distanziner “poetry and prose, art, music, and more”
The Quarantine Review @QuarantineMag
Leavings @leavingslitmag “dedicated to emerging poets, artists, and thinkers”
Cheap Imitation @ImitationMag “A penchant for the dramatic. A piece of sandpaper for your brain”
CLOVERLEAF @cloverleaf_mag “all about media and culture convergence and anyone who cares about it”
The Madison Review @madisonrevw
lamplightmagazine @lamplightmag “dark fiction”
Pantheon Magazine @PantheonMag “We publish new. We publish weird. We want to mess with your head.” (hasn’t tweeted since 2017)
The Phare @pharelitmag “short story, flash fiction, poetry and photography”
Crown & Pen Nib Crown @crownandpenzine “writing & art that unsettles & provokes”
Hearth & Coffin Literary Journal @hearthandcoffin
indigo lit @indigolit_ “lilac poetry, violet prose, & amethyst art. the breathtaking & heartbreaking that haunts us”
Briefly Zine @Briefly_Zine “Bold, succinct writing”
Seaborne Magazine @SeaborneMag “All sea. All the time. Digital lit mag: fiction, non-fiction, poetry & art”
Wrongdoing Magazine @wrongdoingmag “the dark, the sacrilegious, and all of that good stuff that opens mouths and wounds”
Prospectus: A Literary Offering @prospectus2012 “dedicated exclusively to the beginning writer & artist”
Anser Journal @AnserJournal
NowruzJournal @NowruzJournal “Persian Arts and Letters”
Riot In Your Throat @RiotThroat “fierce, feminist poetry”
Harpy Hybrid Review @HarpyHybrid
Southchild Lit @SouthchildLit “a new digital lit mag dedicated to finding a home for all of your wandering art”
Crow Name @crow_name “a creative studio and literary journal”
The Unorthodocs @TUnorthodocs “for the bizarre, the creative and the quirky” “poetry, prose, and all forms of art”
Fish Barrel Review @fishbarrelrev “dedicated and empathetic artists”
superfroot mag @superfrootmag
the aurora journal @aurorajournaI “poetry & prose in the form of the surreal, the ethereal, & the whimsical”
Spellbinder @spellbindermag
Bear Creek Gazette @bcgazette
Gossamer Literary Magazine @gossamerlit “the dreamy & the ethereal”
ThereAfter Magazine @Thereafter_mag “fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, memoir, and visual art”
Tether’s End Magazine @tethersendmag “prose, poetry, creative non-fiction and more”
The Postmodern Review @postmodern_the “poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction…to solve the problems of modernity”
The New Modality @newmodality “a new publication and community about living a meaningful life”
The Minison Project @MinisonProject “Shakespeare’s sonnet reimagined”
Words & Whispers Journal @wwlitjournal “unique poetry and prose by writers of all ages and backgrounds”
Sublunary Review @SublunaryReview “dedicated to the world that churns below the moon”
Voluminous Crux Magazine @VoluminousCrux
Review of UnContemporary Fiction @UnContemporary_“Critical essays and book reviews on things published before 2010.”
Woolgathering Review @WoolgatheringR
Corporeal @corporeallitmag
Midlight @midlightmag
Provenance @ProvenanceJourn
The Birdseed Blog & Magazine @the_birdseed
Celestite Poetry @celestitepoetry
Gutter Magazine @GutterMagazine
Gutslut Press @gutslutpress
Paddler Press @PaddlerPress
Von Aegir Literary @VonAegirLit
Backslash Lit @backslashlit
Razorblades: The Horror Magazine @ReadRazorBlades
Post-Culture Review @PostCultRev
Guts Publishing @GutsPublishing
Discretionary Love @LovesDiscretion “sharing the story of love”
ZERO READERS @ZeroReadersMag “Process-focused poetry” “minimal, direct stuff”
The Red Lemon Review @redandlemony
BigMuddyJournal @BigMuddyJournal
talking about strawberries all of the time @talking_time
Evocations Review @EvocationsLit “Cultural commentary, socially-conscious, and diversity-minded.”
Loch Norse Magazine @LochNorse “published annually by a staff of undergraduate students at Northern Kentucky University”
Moon Cola @MoonColaZine
East Ridge Review @eastridgereview
gal-dem @galdemzine
Extra Teeth @extrateethmag
COSY @cosy_land
DEAR Poetry Journal @deardearpoetry
Coal Lick Run @CoalLickRun “very short fiction”
thestate @thestate_ “south-south relations, alternative conceptions of the future, and language”
Triple Canopy @Triple_Canopy
DEMILIT₃ @demilit
Rough Diamond Poetry Journal @PoetryRough
Scapegoat Review @scapegoatreview
Sazeracs, Smoky Ink @SazeracSmokyInk
Catchwater Magazine @CatchwaterM
Bluebird Lit Magazine @bluebirdlit
sentiencelit @sentiencelit
Fiery Scribe Review @FieryScribeMag
Pastel Pastoral @Pastelpastoral1
GASTROPODA @gastropodamag
Overtly Lit @overtlylit
the madrigal @madrigalpress “dublin-based poetry magazine aiming to showcase work that is emotive, sincere, and familiar”
Cave Wall Press @CaveWallPress “literary journal”
Sky Island Journal @Sky1sland “poetry, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction”
One Full Wit Reading Series @akrupman “short stories, lyric essays, travel writing, satire, polemics, elevated fan fiction, 10-minute plays, haiku, sonnets, sestinas”
Waccamaw Journal @waccamawjournal stories, essays, poems
LEON Literary Review @LeonReview “poetry, fiction, and essay”
Temenos Literary Journal @temenos_journal
Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine @midlvlmag “explores our relationships with the personal/professional via fiction, poetry, and CNF”
Stone Circle Review @stonecirclerev “poetry journal” established 2023
From Beyond Press
ShayelMagazineISubmissionsOpen @shayel_journal
ScrawlPlace @ScrawlPlace
Amphetamine Sulfate

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