Sunday, July 28, 2024

Learn about 'workplace moral injury'

In January 2022, Ludmila Praslova wrote on LinkedIn about "workplace moral injury" following "my Fast Company article which defined it as 'a trauma response to witnessing or participating in workplace behaviors that contradict one’s moral beliefs in high-stakes situations with the potential of physical, psychological, social, or economic harm to others.'

Praslova further says:

"In 1990s, Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun developed the idea of post-traumatic growth. They observed that some military veterans or people who experienced hardships such as natural disasters could develop a new appreciation of life, find personal strengths they did not know they had, develop better relationships, explore new possibilities in life, and grow spiritually."

She says that "Julia Phelan, founder of To Eleven," made "a short and informative video about moral injury."


A novel about workplace moral injury

Most Famous Short Film of All Time by Tucker Lieberman (tRaum Books, 2022)

Related: Will HR help?

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