Saturday, October 8, 2022

Matt Walsh latest scandal

Matt Walsh once said 17–24 is a girl/woman's age of max fertility
Alejandra Caraballo, February 2, 2023 tweet: When Matt Walsh is openly stating that providers of gender affirming care should be executed, it's no wonder his followers call in bomb threats to children's hospitals and threaten to murder doctors. Matt Walsh is stoking and inciting violence. There are two images in this tweet: One of a Matt Walsh tweet saying that doctors should be executed, and a Vice News screenshot saying that others are threatening hospitals.

In February 2023, Walsh brags about wanting to be crowned Transphobe of the Year.

In April 2023, Walsh approvingly retweeted a video of Ron DeSantis saying gender transition is "a lie" and no one should recognize a trans person's gender.

I am not interested in any Republican who isn't this direct and honest about the trans agenda

April 20, 2023: Matt Walsh saying it's cool that Elon Musk's rocket blew up because science works by trial and error. For whatever reason (sexism. patriarchy. transphobia.), he doesn't apply this wisdom to people's right to take hormones even if there's some uncertainty what they'll do to anyone's individual body.

Matt Walsh tweeting about how real science involves trial and error, so it's OK that Elon Musk's rocket blew up
June 1, 2023 tweet by Jessie Earl @jessiegender: So Musk was going to let Matt Walsh/The Daily Wire stream his shitty, TOS-breaking, antitrans hate film 'What is A Woman' on Twitter, but it was hit with a TOS violation for Hateful conduct, possibly related to Twitter's VP of Trust & Safety resigning. And all I can do is laugh.

The same day, Twitter’s head of trust and safety, Ella Irwin, resigned.

Regarding Walsh's favorite question "What is a woman?":

"Any attempt to define woman in a way that excludes trans and intersex women is not only futile, it’s inherently malicious. It doesn’t come from a place of following the evidence and understanding the science, nor from a place of wanting to end sexism, it is an attempted ad hoc justification for the premise 'trans women are men'. Trans women being women is a conclusion of the evidence, not a premise. Please don’t fall for it." — " Why What JK Rowling Said is Transphobic," Katy Montgomerie, Medium, June 7, 2020

See also these articles by Allison Wiltz on Medium:
What is a Woman, and Why Does That Matter to So Many Americans? (July 5, 2022)
Why Black Women Are Accused of Being “Manly” As an Insult (Aug 4, 2023)

samememe tweets June 18, 2023: Just fyi if someone tells you that you can't possibly define something like 'chair' so what even *is* a chair anyway they're trying to lead you down a midwit garden path, so all you need to do is tell them you know what a chair is and that they can kindly fuck off. The only purpose of these kinds of word games is to obliterate your sense of intuition and 'gut instinct' and thereby leave you open to their various insane ideological beliefs like 'a woman is someone who says she's a woman'... just say no!
Qualia (MK) tweets: But yes, philosophy talks about how hard it is to define a category, math does, linguistics does... it's almost as if... stay with me... this is not a conspiracy to make that guy look stupid. He's literally just very stupid. They're frothing incoherently about how unfair it is that a woman made them feel and look stupid and that this is somehow cheating because they were born superior.* (* they were absolutely not)
This is such a famous problem that it's a joke format. (Quote: Cars have windows and can move. Houses have windows and can't move. So it's not the windows that make the car go. It's something else entirely)
ALSO also, my username (qualia) is a quasi-famous attempt at trying to explain how we can POSSIBLY communicate to one another when literally, we cannot explain to one another what 'red' or 'pain' is, but we can recognize each concept. Like... LITERALLY how? Like, entire branches of philosophy and terms invented about the problem of: 1) It's ALMOST impossible to define a word. 2) Yet we, somehow, manage to communicate. 2a) Wait... DO we manage to communicate? 2b) What if it just looks like we do??? WHAT??? 3) LITERALLY how???
Carrow tweets: 'What exactly is a(n) x?' is the exact rhetoric used by the smartest people I know (including people working to build AI models) to explain why AI is still so far from really being a facsimile of human intelligence (a computer cannot *conceptualize* what a chair is, for example)

Intuition turns out to be complex. It isn't the same as knowing a dictionary definition, or else computers would be intelligent — heck, the dictionary would be intelligent.

Oh the whole thread is about gender, and the OP decries any analysis of semantics and the slipperiness of categories as 'midwit' while appealing to 'gut instinct' and 'intuition'. Some real brain trusts on this website

After Dell Cameron wrote this story for Wired — The Hacker Who Hijacked Matt Walsh’s Twitter Was Just ‘Bored’ The breach of the right-wing provocateur was simply a way of “stirring up some drama,” the attacker tells WIRED. But the damage could have been much worse. (April 19, 2023) — and tweeted it, Musk permanently suspended Cameron's Twitter account.

Feb 11, 2024: Reacting to a statement that "Jesus washed the feet of friends and enemies," Matt Walsh calls it "heretical bullshit."

HeGetsUs tweets on Feb 11, 2024 that 'Jesus washed the feet of friends and enemies.' Matt Walsh tweets that it's 'heretical bullshit.' Blake Tapper screenshots it on Bluesky and says: Yeah, zero stories in the Bible about this at all. brendelbored on Bluesky says: Matt, please no, do not uncover the funders of this dark money anti-trans group, I don’t know if wokeism could ever recover

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