Friday, June 14, 2024

10x more fires than last year in Brazil's Pantanal wetlands


"As Jose Cleiton and Brandao Amilton ride their horses into the vastness of the Pantanal grassy wetlands of Brazil, a wall of smoke towers from the horizon far into the sky above.

The worst of the dry season is still far off, but already these Brazilian wetlands are so dry that wildfires are surging.

The number of Pantanal fires so far this year has jumped tenfold from the same period last year according to Brazil's National Institute of Space Research (INPE)."

Fires in Brazil wetlands surge to record start in 2024, Leonardo Benassatto, Reuters, June 11, 2024.

See also:

Brazilian heat waves fueled by climate change are flaming the rainforest at highest rate in 14 years,, Sept 3, 2024


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