Monday, June 24, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear the TN gender-affirming healthcare case

Just published

The U.S. Supreme Court Will Decide About Trans Kids’ Bodies
This fall, it’ll hear arguments over the Tennessee ban on gender-affirming care

two people fencing

See also

Supreme Court to weigh state restrictions on gender-affirming care for youths The court is expected to hear oral arguments and make a ruling in its upcoming term, which starts in October and will end in June 2025. Lawrence Hurley, NBC News, June 24, 2024

I'm the parent of a trans daughter. There's nothing conservative about blocking her care. Politicians should stop trying to impose personal beliefs as statewide mandates that harm children and interfere with the private, individualized medical decisions of families. Sean P. Madden, USA Today, June 24, 2024

US Supreme Court to hear challenge to ban on transgender care for minors, Andrew Chung, Reuters, June 24, 2024

The Supreme Court Is Taking Aim at Transgender Rights: The justices have picked a case that can cause maximum harm with minimum blowback. Matt Ford, The New Republic, June 25, 2024

Legal scholars worry Supreme Court may prioritize “politics” over “real stakes” in trans rights case: SCOTUS announced it was taking up a case on transgender rights on the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Tatyana Tandanpolie. Salon. June 25, 2024

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