Tuesday, June 4, 2024

When Trump encourages certain people to have 'a breaking point,' it's a threat

A couple days ago, on June 2, regarding the possibility that he may be sentenced to prison or house arrest, Trump said: "I'm not sure the public would stand for it...You know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point."

Joe Scarborough

Joe Scarborough highlights that this is "coded language for a man who started the worst riot — political riot — in American history in Washington, DC since the Civil War." (2:57–3:08) Trump knows that certain individuals and groups will hear it as a call to violence.

Rachel Maddow

Yesterday, on June 3, Rachel Maddow said: "These threats, and the harassment and intimidation of people who are involved in the legal system — people who are witnesses, jurors, prosecutors, judges, court personnel — Trump, I mean, encourages it, indirectly, every time he makes individual people in these legal proceedings a personal target for his criticism and vitriol and often his lies. He's never, ever discouraged his supporters from mounting the kind of harassment and intimidation campaigns that they have against everyone involved in these cases — including, like, the court clerks and the family members of the judges, and the witnesses themselves and their families too. And it's every time, right? It's not just this court case." (0:52–1:35)

Regarding Trump's "breaking point" comment, Maddow states the obvious: "It is a threat. It is the same threat he always makes because he wants us all to feel threatened." (3:35–3:53)

She then explains: Although Trump would like to imagine that many USAmericans will riot in the streets to defend him, this doesn't happen en masse because most USAmericans find it reasonable that he was indicted (and now convicted) in a court, according to normal legal processes, for crimes he allegedly committed (and now has been legally proven to have committed). What does happen, unfortunately, is that his most dedicated supporters threaten the people involved in the legal process. That's their tactic. They don't need to make large protests in the streets. Through their threats, they convey the idea that any of us could be threatened.

Trump, talking to Dr. Phil

Trump is talking about jailing his opponents. In an interview that aired June 6, Trump told Dr. Phil: "Revenge does take time. And sometimes revenge can be justified."

This is an important question. Trump’s agenda of “revenge” and “retribution,” as against what? He’s largely escaped all accountability. He did what he wanted as “president,” regardless of the law. He continues to rake in huge sums. Revenge for what? For the imagined slights. Revenge against YOU.

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— David Waldman (@kagrox.bsky.social) Jul 10, 2024 at 8:18 AM

Read more: Four investigations that could finally bring down Donald Trump on Medium.


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