Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Yulia Alyoshina was coerced into saying she would live as a man

In May 2024, "Yulia Alyoshina, who headed the opposition Civic Initiative party in Siberia’s Altai region until 2022, announced...that she had returned to her gender assigned at birth and changed her channel’s name to 'Alyoshin', the male version of her surname."

She is "the first openly transgender politician in Russia." So why did she do this?

On June 25, Novaya Gazeta Baltic reported that (as Novaya Gazeta Europe paraphrased) she "has described how the Russian authorities threatened to commit her to a psychiatric hospital unless she detransitioned."

Read more: Russia’s first transgender politician reveals she was forced to announce her detransition, Novaya Gazeta Europe, 25 June 2024

About the news outlet


"Journalists from Russia’s oldest independent newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, have launched a new, Europe-based media outlet in a bid to avoid an ongoing media clampdown amid their country’s war in Ukraine.

The creation of Novaya Gazeta Europe comes nine days after its Russian counterpart suspended operations in Moscow. The outlet, headed by Nobel Peace Prize-winning editor Dmitry Muratov, had been repeatedly threatened with closure for its reporting on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta Europe, Kirill Martynov, said that the paper will be independent from Russia’s Novaya Gazeta, “both legally and in practice.” The newsroom itself will consist of Novaya Gazeta staffers who have chosen to leave Russia.

'There’ll be no one working for Novaya Gazeta and Novaya Gazeta Europe at the same time,' Martynov told The Moscow Times on Thursday. 'We’ll have our own editorial council and guidelines.'"

Novaya Gazeta Launches European Edition in Bid to Dodge Kremlin Censorship, Irina Shcherbakova, Moscow Times, April 19, 2022


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