Saturday, August 24, 2024

5 stories I wrote on Medium that got hardly any views

The following articles had 1–19 views each. Never mind whether the person who viewed them went on to read them. Each title had failed to persuade 20 people even to click on it.

I assumed the titles were bad, and I retitled them.

However, months later, they haven't gotten any new views. Apparently, retitling an old story doesn't nudge Medium's algorithm.

If 'we' were the only pronoun, how would 'you' act? (Feb 7, 2020)
New title: Thinking on the Level of the System

Feelings may become reasonable over time (Feb 20, 2019)
New title: In High Conflict, Is the Growth Worth the Drama?

The Top Ten Things You Can Write Instead of a "Top Ten" List (Mar 17, 2020)
New title: Top 10 Things to Write Instead of a 'Top 10' List

Economics Doesn't Crunch 'Environment' Well (Oct 15, 2022)
New: Earthpocalypse Isn't a 'Marginal' Cost (Despite What Economists Say)

Now Departing From Track 1 (June 30, 2021)
New: The Would-Be Scholar of Eunuchs

It's hard to know what to do with old articles that no one ever read. It's as if I tossed them down a well. What do you think?

an old well

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