Sunday, August 18, 2024


Quispe López writes:

"Transvestigators often utilize racist, anti-semitic, and white standards of beauty to out 'inverts,' or the celebrities they falsely believe are trans. ... While transvestigators are a fringe group of conspiracy theorists, similar to Pizzagate and QAnon, their talking points are not. What makes transvestigations dangerous is how they bleed into mainstream right wing politics and broader anti-trans sentiment."

The silly conspiracy theory part of it is called "Elite Gender Inversion," the elites referring to the cabal that supposedly controls the world. That dates back to about 2017. But it didn't come from nowhere; anti-trans legislative initiatives gave rise to it and continue to fuel it.


"Victims of transvestigation are typically scrutinized for having features that transvestigators deem outside the bounds of a person’s biological sex, like 'broad shoulders' and 'large noses' on women. Men are similarly analyzed for 'delicate features.' Their pseudoscientific tactics hinge on a transphobic or misogynist belief that if a successful person has even a shred of gender nonconformity, they must have gained that success through false pretenses or nefarious means."

"Transvestigation wields political power by falsely implying that being trans is inherently negative and that trans people are trying to 'trick' cis people in plain sight," López writes. The inevitable result is that they "they attempt to dehumanize and discredit those accused, to no real end." The targets are usually cisgender people.

How “Transvestigation” Crawled Out of the Worst Corners of the Internet Into the Mainstream: The most committed transvestigators believe a cabal of secretly trans celebrities controls the world. Quispe López, Them, August 14, 2024.

George W. Bush on the telephone, looking serious
Anyone could be trans, right?

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