Monday, August 26, 2024

TV experts aren't paid

Talking heads on TV are not paid except maybe in the UK if they ask the television producers nicely.

I think I’ve cracked the code on S@m H@selby’s weird obsession with historians who have appeared on MSNBC. He actually thinks we’re getting *paid* when we pop up there, and paid handsomely. And … hoo boy, no.

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— Kevin M. Kruse ( Aug 25, 2024 at 7:33 PM

For the record, the few times I’ve agreed to appear on MSNBC shows it’s been to promote a book (guilty!) or discuss current events where I was asked to provide historical context. I was never once paid, though I did get car fare a couple times.

— Kevin M. Kruse ( Aug 25, 2024 at 7:37 PM

Former BBC producer here - you definitely have to ask. Rate 15 years ago was roughly £40 for typical contributor but higher for well known people (and depending on urgency!) Tory cuts may have had an impact since then but worth asking.

— Hywel Da ( Aug 26, 2024 at 12:20 AM
cow licking lips

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