Sunday, September 8, 2024

A new song for today

I just learned about this song.

Here's the blog post:

"I still remember that sunny afternoon in the summer of 2003 when I opened a yellow padded envelope from the Touch & Go label, always a priority at the store. Inside was a CD, its cover a blurred-out “WALK” sign on a quiet street, with some small, elegant script at the bottom reading: TV on the Radio. We immediately put it on, and a few of us stood around, unable to articulate what we were hearing. None of us could quite pin it down...

"Staring at the Sun" is one of the rare songs that still hits me as hard today as it did on that first listen."

— Nabil Ayers, Staring At The Sun, Nabil's Feels, Sep 8, 2024

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