Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A riff on the 'undecided voter' (from Bluesky)

Gift link to the NYT focus group:

these focus groups are really a good reminder that undecided voters are people who don’t actually care about politics

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— jamelle ( September 17, 2024 at 4:23 PM

Yes, the undecided voter would have to not care about politics at all...

...which in practice translates to not perceiving any personal risk from a Trump presidency, nor caring whether anyone else suffers a risk from a Trump presidency, and thus already leaning Trumpist.

The average 23 yo women who is still undecided at this point would have to be very conservative, wouldn't she?

— Shadow Hedgie 🌻 ( September 17, 2024 at 3:55 PM

wealthy and otherwise insulated from having to interact from people who have been and stand to be materially harmed by conservative politics...yeah, tracks

— Tyrone Slothrust ( September 17, 2024 at 4:45 PM

If they're already essentially Trumpist yet haven't decided (after nine years! with two months to go!) whether to vote for Trump, their inability to decide isn't due to a lack of available information.

What is the point of these interviews with "undecided" voters, to whom no amount of delivered information will help them decide?

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— Sarah Posner ( September 17, 2024 at 4:49 PM

Frank Luntz, known for developing Republican messaging like "death tax instead of estate tax, and climate change instead of global warming" (Wikipedia), chose participants for a focus group. He and Patrick Healy, NYT deputy Opinion editor, moderated the discussion. The NYT paid Luntz.

call me crazy but i do not believe that a 23 year old who is outraged about the treatment of **Mitt Romney** in 2012 is an “undecided voter”

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— Peter ( September 17, 2024 at 2:50 PM
Abigail, 23, graduate assistant, voted Biden in 2020: It's the progressives' fault. They dragged Mitt Romney and John McCain through the mud, saying horrible things about them. If you keep crying wolf over and over, eventually, you're going to get a wolf in the party.

All the kids were saying "Romney's 47% quote was taken badly out of context!" around the Pokemon table at the card shop

— Doctor Acula ( September 17, 2024 at 2:51 PM

It’s me, a 24 year old deciding how I’m going to vote in 2004 based on my deeply held opinions of the Willie Horton ad.

— Jonathan M. Katz ( September 17, 2024 at 4:54 PM

I’m 43 and enraged at how Bork was treated. Incensed even. Also undecided.

— ( September 17, 2024 at 2:51 PM

Here's Robert Bork in the 1973 Saturday Night Massacre, if you're 43 and don't know. During the Watergate scandal, President Nixon ordered Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox to be fired, which two officials resigned rather than do, but Bork, as the third in line, complied with Nixon's order and fired Cox. He said Nixon had expressed willingness to nominate him as Supreme Court Justice, though this never happened. He went on to be a federal judge on the DC circuit.

INT. McLean, Virginia living room, November 2012 An 11-year-old ABIGAIL sits on the couch, tears streaming down her face as Barack Obama claims victory

— emma ( September 17, 2024 at 2:53 PM

on top of the clear ideological tilt, this is a grad student who speaks like she is very engaged with politics. if you can’t clock this little rat fuck as an op you shouldn’t be running focus groups.

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— Peter ( September 17, 2024 at 3:35 PM
Character flows into policy, but policy reveals character. So when Kamala Harris says something that's very progressive about transgenderism or about health care, that to me signals that she's not moderate, that she's rather extreme about who she is as a person.

"Op," as in "operative." This supposed focus group sounds like a psyop. Previously, I wrote: 4 psyops not to fall for

Gonna interject on behalf of everyone to point out that Harris hasn't specifically mentioned trans people in her campaign yet lmfao

— Katelyn Burns ( September 17, 2024 at 3:38 PM

Right — exactly what is it that Harris has supposedly said about "transgenderism"? Since her campaign began on July 21, apparently nothing. You have to go back in time to find "when Kamala Harris says something" about trans people.

"Abigail" is suggesting here that she herself may not care about policies about trans people per se; she cares whether a candidate has a "character" that is "moderate" and not "extreme," and she perceives statements about trans people as a symbol of extremism in other areas.

Of course, even when Harris says nothing whatsoever about trans people, Republicans will talk about her as if she said something, and thus impute "extremism" to her.

Just as Trump — just by saying so on a debate stage — can make half of his supporters believe an absurdly offensive rumor about a particular immigrant community, he can make his supporters believe that Harris said something about trans people even when she is standing right next to him on the debate stage not saying it.

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