Friday, September 13, 2024

Jesse Watters needs to know if you're gay

Ron Dicker, "Jesse Watters: 'I Need To Know If Someone Is Gay'," HuffPost, Sep 13, 2024:

“I don’t like ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’” he [Jesse Watters] said in an exchange shared by Media Matters. “I need to know if someone is gay. I have to know ― and they should tell.”

“And if you don’t tell me, I know. And it’s OK, I want to know,” he continued.

Gutfeld playfully called Watters nosy and Perino chimed in, “Why do you need to know?”

“I’m soooo interested in it,” Watters replied.

One type of anti-trans moral panic laws out there right now is the idea that teachers need to report suspected trans kids to their parents.

Defenders of the anti-trans law will say: Oh, this law isn't going to be used against gay kids, only against trans kids.

Oh yes it will be used against gay kids, because Jesse Watters needs to know who's gay. He's really quite interested in that.

Policy updates

A policy of the Chino Valley Unified School District would have required that parents be notified if a student "requested to use a different name or pronoun or use a bathroom that differed from their assigned sex at birth," Erin Reed explains. A court overturned that part of the policy. However, the school will still notify parents if the student changes anything in their "official or unofficial records."
California Judge Nixes School Forced Outing Policy, But Allows Workaround The ruling overturned a forced outing policy that explicitly targeted gender identity, but allowed a policy to stand that mandated disclosure of all "official or unofficial" records. Erin Reed, Sep 13, 2024

surprised blonde girl

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