Monday, September 16, 2024

Energy: Headlines on alternatives to coal

Earth seen from space

Entering 2022, this prediction: "The world could burn a record amount of coal next year despite efforts to scrap the dirtiest fossil fuel, Reuters, December 17, 2021

China, the world’s biggest polluter, at risk of missing climate targets, new report finds, Reuters, February 22, 2024

But change is possible:

A polluting, coal-fired power plant found the key to solving America’s biggest clean energy challenge, Ella Nilsen and CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir, September 16, 2024

After years and years of media reports that coal is having a comeback in the UK the last coal plant will go offline in just 2 weeks. Coal in the UK is no more. Credit for graph to

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— Jan Rosenow ( September 16, 2024 at 11:54 AM

On solar power:

"...we’ve finally moved on to the steep part of an S curve, and if we can keep up anything like that pace of expansion it won’t be long before the numbers are truly incredible. ... we are on the cusp of a true explosion that could change the world. We are starting to put out the fires that humans have always relied on, and replace them with the power of the sun."
— Bill McKibben, Here Comes the Sun: Solar power is no longer marginal; now the (all-important) question is when it will be dominant. The Crucial Years, Sep 5, 2024

"Solar panels have, over the last months, suddenly gotten so cheap that they’re now appearing in massive numbers across much of the developing world. Without waiting for what are often moribund utilities to do the job, business and home owners are getting on with electrifying their lives, and doing it cleanly."
— Bill McKibben. Silent Solar: Some really really good news you haven't heard. The Crucial Years. Sep 16, 2024

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