Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Don't try to decide whether others should care, but talk about climate because you care

"But how do you get people to care," someone asked yesterday.

"You don’t," Katharine Hayhoe replied. "The idea that we personally decide what everyone else needs to care about is one of the central barriers to effective communication."

On that note, she shared her 2018 TEDWomen talk.

The whole talk is great. If you're most interested in not deciding what everyone else needs to care about and you only have three minutes, listen to 5:00–8:00
There, Prof. Hayhoe says essentially: First, know why climate matters to you. Then, when you talk about it, start with the values you share with the other person. If you don't know what values they might share with you, build that relationship and find out. Then, talk about why climate matters to you — those reasons are probably also salient to the other person.

spruce-type flower

Relatedly, on Caring

I wrote about The Importance of What We Care About by Harry G. Frankfurt (on Medium, paywalled).

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